Examples of Special Policy Area in a sentence
Permitted uses within the Waterfront – Special Policy Area 1 shall be limited to existing or new recreational/residential uses and to conversions.
The purpose of this Amendment to the Richmond Hill Official Plan is to implement policy modifications to the “Special Policy Area,” “Natural Hazards” and “Neighbourhood” policies and to implement a revised boundary for the Lake Wilcox Special Policy Area (SPA) as approved by the Ministers of Natural Resources (MNRF) and Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH).
In the Core Strategy it is located within the Town Centre Special Policy Area (SPA1).
Notwithstanding the above policies, the Town may, in cooperation with the Conservation Authority, pursue Special Policy Area status under the Planning Act within the Maskinonge Urban Centre in order to facilitate appropriate development.
A portion of the lands, between River Road and the former River Lane, are subject to a Special Policy Area designation which permits the development of a 7 storey apartment building at a maximum density of 238 units per hectare, equivalent to 119 units.
The University and the Union agree that Employees are encouraged to engage in informal discussions as soon as practicable with their immediate supervisor (e.g., faculty member, administrator, or Principal Investigator as the case may be, etc.) or Department Chair to resolve issues before filing a formal grievance.
The boundary of the Trafalgar Road Corridor Special Policy Area is identified on Schedule I, Central Land Use.
Sites along New Bridge Road have been reviewed through the Stanlow Special Policy Area Review (2016) to inform the land allocations in the Local Plan (Part Two) and the allocation comprises land off Cloister Way, the former Cabot Carbon site, Newport Business Park, Dutton Green and the Rushtons site.
Claim 1 recites “identifying the selected at least one pixel in the frame of the user input video stream.” According to Petitioner, Senftner discloses “matching pixel(s) from the original image to pixel(s) in the new image, on ‘a pixel-by-pixel and frame-by-frame basis’ to achieve the replacement.” Pet.
Hill Property) The land designated as Special Policy Area 6 on Schedule A-2, contains significant areas of floodplain, wetlands, and core Greenlands.