Natural Resources. Protecting America’s great outdoors and natural resources.
1. Department of Agriculture
2. Department of Interior
3. Department of Energy
4. Environmental Protection Agency 5. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Natural Resources. Evaluations of wetlands and waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) meeting current requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Natural Resources. In order to promote co-operation in the area of natural resources and energy, Member States shall:
Natural Resources. Rights and obligations relating to natural resources are subject to the host country's national legislation; for the avoidance of doubt, this Treaty does not apply to natural resources. Part B. Support and protection of investments
Natural Resources. In order to promote co-operation in the area of natural resources and energy, Member States shall:
(a) Exchange information on the prospection, mapping, production and processing of mineral resources, as well as on the prospection, exploitation and distribution of water resources;
(b) Coordinate their programmes for development and utilisation of mineral and water resources;
(c) Promote vertical and horizontal inter-industrial relationships, which may be established among Member States in the course of developing such resources;
(d) Coordinate their positions in all international negotiations on raw materials;
(e) Develop a system of transfer of know-how and exchange of scientific, technical and economic data in remote sensing among Member States; and
(f) Prepare and implement joint training and further training programmes for cadres in order to develop the human resources and the appropriate local technological capabilities required for the exploration, exploitation and processing of mineral and water resources.
Natural Resources. The Parties, recognising that proper management and efficient utilisation of natural resources will contribute to the continued expansion of their respective economies, shall cooperate in:
(a) development and utilisation of appropriate mathematical models to simulate and predict groundwater containment and transport, assessment of risk posed by waste storage/disposal and agro-industrial activities on groundwater quality, and setting-up of groundwater protection zones;
(b) improvement of technology on exploration, extraction and utilisation of energy and mineral deposits, mine waste disposal and rehabilitation of closed mines;
(c) investment promotion activities; and
(d) comprehensive management of water resources, including ground and surface water, and the application of information technology in this area.
Natural Resources. Sec. 301. Ultra-deepwater and unconventional natural gas and other petroleum re- sources. Sec. 302. Amendment to the Mineral Leasing Act. Sec. 303. Approval of agreement with Mexico. Sec. 304. Amendment to the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. Sec. 305. Federal oil and gas royalty prepayment cap. Sec. 306. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Sec. 401. Increase in contributions to Federal Employees Retirement System for new employees. Sec. 402. Foreign Service Pension System.
Natural Resources. 1. The Parties agree to improve cooperation and capacity building as regards the exploitation, development, processing and marketing of natural resources.
2. This cooperation shall address the sustainable development of natural resources by strengthening the regulatory framework, environmental protection and safety regulations. With a view to fostering greater cooperation and mutual understanding, either Party may request ad hoc meetings on matters relating to natural resources.
3. In accordance with the provisions of Title IV, the Parties shall cooperate with a view to creating a transparent environment conducive to foreign direct investment, in particular in the mining sector.
4. Taking into account their respective economic policies and objectives and with a view to fostering trade, the Parties agree to promote cooperation on the removal of barriers to trade in natural resources.
5. Upon request by either Party, any matter concerning trade in natural resources may be raised and addressed in the Joint Committee meetings, as provided for in Article 49.
Natural Resources. The Lessee shall cut no timber, conduct no mining operations, remove no sand, gravel, or kindred substances from the ground, commit no waste of any kind, nor in any manner substantially change the contour or condition of the premises, except as may be authorized under and pursuant to the Development Plan described in the Condition on DEVELOPMENT PLANS herein. The Lessee may salvage fallen or dead timber; however, no commercial use shall be made of such timber. Except for timber salvaged by the Lessee when in the way of construction of improvements or other facilities, all sales of forest products will be conducted by the United States and the proceeds therefrom shall not be available to the Lessee under the provisions of this Lease.