Examples of Specific authorization in a sentence
Specific authorization from their principal manufacturer to quote against this tender (attested by Notary Public)ii.
Disclosure of information indicating an apparent violation of the law will be released to appropriate enforcement authorities.6.10(10) Specific authorization.
Specific authorization to proceed shall be given by SANDAG via one or more Task Orders.
Specific authorization from their principal manufacturer to quote against this tender (attested by Notary Public) ii.
Specific authorization to expend funds for the purposes described in this section of the budget, must be granted elsewhere; by bond resolution, by a project financing agreement, by resolution appropriating funds from the Renewal and Replacement Reserve or other means provided by law.
Specific authorization from their principal manufacturer to quote against this tender (attested by Notary Public).ii.
Specific authorization from their principal manufacturer to quote against this tender (self authenticated and attested by Notary Public).
Specific authorization from OEM to quote against this tender (attested by Public Notary)ii.
Specific authorization by HPPO/HPPQPM must be requested prior to tooling use for manufacture of other than Hologram Products Program items.
Specific authorization is required to mail at Nonprofit Standard Mail prices and may be used at any Post Office with PostalOne! access.