Examples of Specified Discount Rate in a sentence
The following schedule may then be constructed, starting at the bottom and working up:—(See footnote to this Example B for details of the present value calculations using the HP-12C calculator.)The present value at the beginning of the first Period is the same as the acquisition price, verifying that the Specified Discount Rate is equal to the yield to maturity for this transaction.
On 12 March 1991 (the Specified Date) a holder acquires for $1,012,500 the right to receive the following income— The greatest common divisor of all Periods except the first is 6 months, so that N = 2; in the first (broken) Period ending on 15 May 1991 The Specified Discount Rate R is 16.2308% per annum, which in this case is also the yield to maturity as is verified in the schedule below.
The Specified Discount Rate, R, corresponding to this issue price is 12.261% p.a., derived in Example D of Determination G11A: Present Value Based Yield to Maturity Method.
Names of the individuals involved are on file in the Title 1 director’s office.
This determination specifies alternative methods for calculating the present value of a financial arrangement, equal to the sum of the values as at the Specified Date of all amounts payable under the financial arrangement after that date, discounted at the Specified Discount Rate.
The Specified Discount Rate, R, corresponding to this issue price is 12.82% p.a., derived in Example C of Determination G11A: Present Value Based Yield to Maturity Method.
The Specified Discount Rate R is 16.265% per annum, derived in Example B of Determination G11A: Present Value Based Yield to Maturity Methods.
As used herein, (I) “Aggregate Minimum Rent” means the Minimum Rent paid by Lessee during the period beginning on the Effective Date and continuing through the date of termination of the Initial Term, (II) “Inception Date Present Value” of an amount means the present value of such amount as of the Effective Date, calculated using the Specified Discount Rate, and (III) “Specified Discount Rate” means eight percent (8%).