Specimen tree definition

Specimen tree means a tree that is particularly impressive or unusual example of a species due to its size, shape, age, or any other trait that epitomizes the character of the species as further described in the most recent version of the Trees Technical Manual.
Specimen tree means any tree which that has been individually designated by the local governing body to be notable by virtue of its outstanding size and quality for its particular species.
Specimen tree means any tree which that has been individually designated by the local governing

Examples of Specimen tree in a sentence

  • Acer miyabei‘Morton’ State Street™Miyabe Maple 4 40 40 20 S 4 Specimen tree.

  • Specimen tree replacement density is in addition to the minimum required density for the site.

  • Specimen tree protected during construction.(Photo: Al Todd) Recognizing that trees reduce runoff and provide other watershed benefits, the Council of the Cityof Takoma Park, MD, has instituted tree removal regulations.

  • TREE Species –ID Common NameSpecies –Botanical NameDBH (cm)HealthConditionRemarksDesign Recommendations 18 White cedar Thuja occidentalis 4 x 20; Good Specimen tree; multistem 1 x 25Tree to be removed as it is locatedwithin a proposed townhouse unit footprint.19 Silver mapleAcer saccharinum1 x 15;1 x 30;1 x 50;1 x 55;1 x 70;1 x 90Good Specimen tree; pruningrequiredTree to be removed as it is locatedadjacent to a proposed townhouse unit footprint.

  • Specimen tree T30 is subject to the current regulation that requires a variance for the removal of specimen trees because it was not shown to be removed on the previously approved TCP2.

More Definitions of Specimen tree

Specimen tree means an exemplary tree of good health and true to species habit and form, containing a minimum caliper of 1 ½ inches.
Specimen tree means a tree of exceptional size, form, or rarity.
Specimen tree means any tree of the Quercus varieties (Oak) with a trunk measuring twenty-five (25) inches or greater in circumference; or any tree of the Schinus varieties (Pepper) and Platanus varieties (Sycamore), with trunks measuring fifty (50) inches or greater in circumference; measurements of circumference shall be taken at a point four (4) feet above ground level.
Specimen tree means any tree meeting the criteria established by resolution of the city council by species and size of tree which is thereby presumed to possess distinctive form, size or age, and to be an outstanding specimen of a desirable species and to warrant the protections of this chapter.
Specimen tree means a live tree with a trunk measuring 12 or more inches in diameter as measured at 3 feet from the ground.
Specimen tree means any tree or grouping of trees that has been determined by the urban forester to be of high value because of its species, size, age, form or historical significance.