Speed zone means a specific section of highway where a designated speed is posted under ORS 810.180.
Speed zone means any water area wherein powercraft may be operated at such a speed as is reasonable, having due regard to traffic, surface and any hazardous conditions then existing. Speed zone buoys shall be lettered "Speed Zone."
Speed zone means any portion of a highway within the Village of Leask, as designated herein, and identified by a sign erected and maintained at each end thereof, indicating the maximum speed applicable thereto;
Examples of Speed zone in a sentence
Speed zone and other signing should be provided in accordance with the MUTCD.
FBC 2001 establishes base (e.g. minimum) Wind Design Speeds (WDS) for each FBC Wind Speed zone.
Strengthening of the workforce to provide trauma-informed, high quality behavioral health services was a large focus of the TCRFT initiative.
We are actively working with MOT to resolve any concerns this road may have such as:- Proper signage required for the road.- Speed zone past residential 30km/hr- Curves to be marked and possible road upgrades- Signage for absolutely no engine brakes on Stoddart Creek Road- dust control- better maintenance of road year round.
FBC 2001 establishes basic (e.g. minimum) Wind Design Speeds (WDS) for each FBC Wind Speed zone.
More Definitions of Speed zone
Speed zone means a length of carriageway defined at its beginning by means of a speed limit sign, and at its end by means of —
Speed zone means any portion of a highway within the Town of Radville, as designated therein, and identified by a sign erected and maintained at each end thereof, indicating the maximum speed applicable hereto.
Speed zone means any portion of a public highway within the City of North Battleford, as designated herein, and identified by a sign erected and maintained at each end thereof, indicating the maximum speed applicable thereto.
Speed zone. The marked area where signs are posted to indicate the location is within a zone where traffic safety cameras are used to detect when a vehicle exceeds a posted speed limit.
Speed zone means a lineal section of roadway with reg- ulatory speed signs legally posted;
Speed zone means a specific sectiongment of highway where a designated speed is posted under ORS
Speed zone means a specific segment of highway where a designated speed is posted.