Traffic Safety Sample Clauses
Traffic Safety a) The Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain such traffic signs, lamps, barriers, traffic control signals and such other measures as may be necessitated by the construction of the Works to the satisfaction of the Local Authority and the Director of Works.
b) The Contractor shall not commence any work which affects public roads until all traffic safety measures necessitated by the work or required by the Local Authority are fully operational.
c) The Contractor shall keep clean and legible at the times all traffic signs, lamps, barriers and traffic control signals and he shall position, reposition, cover or remove them as necessitated by the progress of the Works.
d) The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and repairing any Public Highway damaged as a result of the execution of the Works.
Traffic Safety. As described in the TIA, the Project is expected to result in a reduction in vehicle trips on an average weekday and during the weekday morning peak-hour of the proposed uses when compared to the Previously Approved Project that was to be constructed, and an increase of 26 vehicle trips during the weekday evening peak-hour. Given the predicted increase in trips during the weekday evening peak-hour of the proposed uses, a review of motor vehicle crash data was undertaken for the intersections of Attucks Lane at Xxxxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxxxx Xxxx at 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxx is presently closed to through traffic by means of gates installed at Xxxx’x Xxxx Road and north of the driveway to 00 Xxxxxxx Xxxx. Based on a review of the MassDOT crash data for the subject intersections, none (0) of the intersections were identified to exceed the motor vehicle crash criteria identified in Transportation Technical Bulletin Objective TR1 that would require further study. Further, a review of the MassDOT statewide High Crash Location List indicated that there are no locations within the study area that are included on MassDOT’s Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) listing as a high crash location. In addition, no fatal motor vehicle crashes were reported to have occurred at the study area intersections over the five-year review period. The Residential Development includes secure and covered bicycle storage within two of the garage buildings. A capacity analysis was conducted for the two study area intersections of Attucks Lane and Xxxxxxx Xxxx and Xxxx’x Xxxx Road and Xxxxxxx Xxxx. A roadway link analysis was performed for Xxxxxxx Xxxx. The analysis shows the Project will result in adequate traffic operations at the two study area intersections with less than two (2) seconds of additional average vehicle delay during peak hour conditions. The Existing Development Agreement included a fair share congestion mitigation amount of $268,910.00 to offset the congestion impacts of 228 weekday morning peak hour trip. The Project as proposed will produce peak hour (weekday evening) trip generation totaling 242 trips upon the completion of the Project. Accordingly, the fair share congestion mitigation amount is $285,422. The Applicant may utilize traffic mitigation credits up to $300,690.00 assigned by Cape Cod Aggregates to CCHC towards the fair share contribution funding. WLP will utilize $155,012 in traffic mitigation credits for the Residential development, with $145,678 i...
Traffic Safety. WLP agrees to implement the following safety improvements prior to receiving a partial Certificate of Compliance for the Residential Development, WLP: • complete, or provide the Town with the necessary funding to complete, pedestrian signal improvements at the Attucks Lane / Xxxxxxx’x Xxxx intersection allowing two signalized pedestrian crossings: 1) the east-west signalized pedestrian crossing of Xxxxxxx’x Xxxx and 2) the north-south signalized pedestrian crossing of Attucks Lane; • extend, or provide the Town with the necessary funding to extend the existing sidewalk on Attucks Lane from the property currently occupied by Stop & Shop to the Xxxxxxx Xxxx intersection; and • assess and re-program signal timing at the intersection of Attucks Lane and Xxxxxxx Xxxx as deemed appropriate in consultation with Commission and Town staff.
Traffic Safety. Xxxxxxx shall have the right to impose and enforce reasonable traffic rules and traffic safety regulations in connection with the use of the Access Easement Area by any party.
Traffic Safety. When the traffic safety classroom portion and driving portion are taught by the same person that person will be represented by PTEA in both areas. Driving rate = .0000000 x base.
Traffic Safety. No unregistered motor vehicle without valid license plates, including but not limited to mini-bikes, trail bikes, go-carts, golf carts, snowmobiles/ and mopeds, shall be operated or parked on the owner's driveway. Unlicensed vehicles must be parked in the homeowner's garage.
Traffic Safety. Most construction will take place within the existing public roadway ROW. As a result, site activities will require temporary modification of existing typical traffic movements, and the use of traffic-related measures protective of the traveling public, construction personnel, and cable installation equipment. Maintenance and protection of traffic for all construction activities will comply with rules and regulations included in the New York State Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (“MUTCD”) and 17NYCRR Chapter V (New York Supplement). The Certificate Holder will implement an MPT for the locations of the ROW in and along public roadways. The purpose of the MPT is to ensure safe and adequate traffic operations on the affected roads and streets. Nassau County Department of Public Works will be contacted to ensure continued safe operations of County roads in the vicinity of the proposed work areas. The Town of Hempstead, Village of Garden City, Village of Malverne, and/or Village of Lynbrook will also be contacted when work would occur in the vicinity of local roadways, as applies to each municipality. The MPT indicates temporary signage and barriers expected during the construction activity. As such, safety signage and traffic control personnel (i.e. flagmen) will be employed to verify safe and adequate traffic flow, as necessary, when roadways are affected by construction. Appropriate safety practices, including temporary barricades to prevent pedestrians from entering the construction area or the active roadway, will be implemented as identified in the MPT. A full-time Traffic Supervisor will be responsible for verifying that all site activities are performed in compliance with the MPT, with additional oversight from the Construction Supervisor.
Traffic Safety. Complete a comprehensive traffic study and plan for South Capitol Street, SE and SW, X Xxxxxx, XX/Xxxxx Xxxxxx, XX, and Potomac Avenue SE and SW to include:
1. A bicycle and pedestrian-friendly, tree-lined boulevard along South Capitol Street, SE and SW, and adjacent to the Anacostia River.
2. Institution of Circulator or other regular interval bus service on M Street from Southwest to Near Southeast.
3. Facilitate the coordination all at-home games, expeditions, and other contracted events to avoid overlapping with at-home games and events scheduled at the Washington Nationals baseball team stadium.
Traffic Safety. When signs, signals and barricades are not provided on or adjacent to a highway or street, flagmen or other appropriate traffic controls shall be used.
Traffic Safety. WLP agrees to implement the following safety improvements prior to receiving a partial Certificate of Compliance for the Residential Development, WLP: • complete, or provide the Town with the necessary funding to complete, pedestrian signal improvements at the Attucks Lane / Xxxxxxx'x Xxxx intersection allowing two signalized pedestrian crossings: 1) the east-west signalized pedestrian crossing of Xxxxxxx'x Xxxx and 2) the north-south signalized pedestrian crossing of Attucks Lane; • extend, or provide the Town with the necessary funding to extend the existing sidewalk on Attucks Lane from the property currently occupied by Stop & Shop to the Xxxxxxx Xxxx intersection; and • assess and re-program signal timing at the intersection of Attucks Lane and Xxxxxxx Xxxx as deemed appropriate in consultation with Commission and Town staff. TS. Mitigation measures for any future development to satisfy the Traffic Safety condition of the RPP will be addressed at the time WLP seeks a modification of this Agreement.