Examples of Having due regard in a sentence
Having due regard to the need to foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it involves having due regard, in particular, to the need to tackle prejudice, and promote understanding.
Having due regard to the above it is considered that the proposal is consistent with the Scottish Government’s Specific Advice Sheet on Onshore Wind Farms.
Having due regard to the Development Plan and all other material considerations, it is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions and reasons appended to this report.
Having due regard to the need to advance equality involves, in particular, the need to remove or minimize disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant characteristic that are connected to that characteristic.
Having due regard to the nature and purposes of the OECD as an international organisation, the Contractor shall adhere to the highest ethical and business responsibility standards.
Having due regard means considering how this policy, strategy, project or function has or will advance equal opportunities for each of the protected groups below.
Having due regard means consciously thinking about the three aims of the equality duty as part of the process of decision-making.
Having due regard to the Development Plan and all other material considerations, it is recommended that planning permission be refused for the reasons appended to this report.
Having due regard to the need to advance equality involves, in particular, the need to remove or minimize disadvantages suffered by equalities groups.
Having due regard to the need to advance equality involves, in particular, to the need to remove or minimize disadvantages suffered by persons who share a relevant characteristic that are connected to that characteristic.