Light vehicle means a motor vehicle commonly referred to as an automobile, van, sport utility
goods vehicle means a motor vehicle constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of goods or burden of any description or a trailer so constructed or adapted;
School vehicle means any school bus, school van, other school vehicle and private vehicle used to transport students or staff members to and from school or any school-sponsored activity or event.
Tank vehicle means a commercial motor vehicle that is designed to transport any liquid or gaseous materials within a tank or tanks having an individual rated capacity of more than one hundred nineteen gallons and an aggregate rated capacity of one thousand gallons or more that is either permanently or temporarily attached to the vehicle or chassis. A commercial motor vehicle transporting an empty storage container tank not designed for transportation with a rated capacity of one thousand gallons or more that is temporarily attached to a flatbed trailer is not considered a tank vehicle.
Commercial vehicle means a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer used or
Custom vehicle means a motor vehicle other than a motorcycle that: