Examples of Spirituous liquor in a sentence
Spirituous liquor may be sold only to the local ABC board serving the city or county in which the liquor was seized, or, if there is no local board for that city or county, to the nearest local board.
Redressing social and economic disadvantage of this magnitude needs much more than anand expensive − programs that one way or another will be required.
Spirituous liquor for on premises consumption only, beer, wine and mixed beverages for on premises, or off premises in original sealed containers, until 2:30 a.m.) liquor permit for Michael Townsend dba Talltown Tavern, 1109 Warren Street.
Spirituous liquor for on premises consumption only, beer, wine and mixed beverages for on premises, or off premises in original sealed containers until 2:30 a.m. in a community entertainment district) and D6 (sale of intoxicating liquor on Sunday between the hours of 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. and midnight) liquor permits from Jami S.
The Commission may issue the following commercial permits:…(21) Spirituous liquor special event permit.(22) Nonresident spirituous liquor vendor permit."SECTION 6.4.(b) This section is effective when it becomes law.