Spring run definition
Examples of Spring run in a sentence
Use of the estuarine habitats and residence time will vary considerably with life history stage and species, with smaller, ocean-type life histories demonstrating greater and longer associations of shallow-water habitats in the Delta (e.g., Williams 2006).The BA suggests that the survival model results for juvenile Winter- and Spring- run Chinook Salmon may be applicable to juvenile steelhead.
The salmon survival models used in the BA primarily rely on acoustic tagging of large (>140 mm) hatchery Late fall-run Chinook and apply these findings to the evaluation of Winter- and Spring- run Chinook Salmon, which include juveniles that are much smaller than these tagged smolts, and to steelhead smolts.
Spring run enter the river between March and July prior to maturation and hold in pools for 2 to 4 months prior to spawning, whereas fall run enter as mature adults from July through December and move directly to spawning grounds (Andersson 2003).
Spring run Chinook were once also widely distributed throughout the Basin above the current sites of dams, attaining holding and spawning grounds on the Sprague, Williamson and Wood Rivers above Upper Klamath Lake (Moyle et al.
This property is located in an area of Battle Creek that has critical Winter- and Spring- run Chinook salmon spawning and holding areas.
Spring- run Chinook salmon upstream migrations have been observed to peak in April and May in the upper Sacramento River and lower Yuba River (SWRI 2002; Vogel and Marine 1991), and have also been observed to occur in Mill Creek from March to June with peak passage during the last week of April (Killam and Johnson 2008).
ABSOTHEQUE Automated Retrieval System in the State Public Historical Library of RussiaNatalya Shcheglova and Ilya Shevchenko, State Public Historical Library of Russia, Moscow, Russia11.00-11.20 COFFEE BREAK11.20-13.30 SESSION III (CONTINUED)7.
Spring run Chinook salmon generally begin their14freshwater migration in January, reach their natal streams from15March to July, hold in the river over summer, and spawn from August16to October.
The Wilson Spring run is essential refuge in summer when Clabber Creek and its tributaries become intermittent.
The 37 amendment will be effective on the date a copy signed by all the Signatories is filed with the ACHP.