Examples of SPV 3 in a sentence
Prime Movers Lab GP II LLC (“PML GP II”) is the general partner of PML SPV 2 and PML SPV 3.
Dakin Sloss is the manager of PML GP II and may be deemed to have or share beneficial ownership of the shares held by PML SPV 2 and PML SPV 3.
Dakin Sloss is the manager of PML GP, PML GP II and PM Growth GP and may be deemed to have or share beneficial ownership of the shares held by PML, PML SPV 1, PML SPV 2, PML SPV 3 and PM Growth.
Not Applicable Details enclosed C9 “Pass” if evidence has been provided that suitable cover is or will be put in place prior to contract commencement.
Item 2(c) Citizenship: PML is a Delaware limited partnership, PML GP I is a Delaware limited liability company, PML GP II is a Delaware limited liability company, PML SPV 1 is a Delaware limited partnership, PML SPV 2 is a Delaware limited partnership, PML SPV 3 is a Delaware limited partnership, PM Growth is a Delaware limited partnership, and PMGrowth GP is a Delaware limited liability company.
Security guarantees have also been granted by Camel Property SPV 3 Limited, Arabian Oryx Property SPV 1 Limited, Dana Property SPV 4 Limited and Blanford Fox Property SPV 2 Limited.The rental proceeds from the Properties have also been assigned by the following entities (as the ‘‘Owners’’) pursuant to the following deeds of assignment by: 1.
Defendant DSV SPV 3, LLC is managed and affiliated with VPM and is under the direction and control of Defendants Alex Szkaradek and Antoni Szkaradek.
SubsidiaryArabian Oryx Property SPV 1 LimitedBlanford Fox Property SPV 2 LimitedCamel Property SPV 3 LimitedDana Property SPV 4 LimitedEwan Property SPV 5 LimitedFajr Property SPV 6 LimitedGazal Property SPV 7 LimitedHesan Property SPV 8 LimitedIbex Property SPV 9 Limited The subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which control is transferred to the Group and will cease to be consolidated from the date on which control is transferred from the Group.
Camel Property SPV 3 Limited in relation to Plot 43, Municipality Number 683-847, Building No. 54, Building Name: Al Ramth 59, Al Hebiah Fifth; 7.
Camel Property SPV 3 Limited in relation to Plot 43, Municipality Number 683-847, Building No. 53, Building Name: Al Ramth 57, Al Hebiah Fifth; 6.