Examples of SSS Code in a sentence
The Board also issued SSS Code amendments that will permit other Ontario distributors to implement similar TOU pricing pilots where they are complementary in nature to the Ontario Smart Price Pilot.
Depending on the outcome of the EBT working group’s investigation, the process set out in the amendment to the SSS Code described above may serve as the long term solution.
The text of the proposed amendment to section 3.5.3 of the SSS Code is set out in Attachment D to this Notice.
Under the SSS Code, a licensed distributor may implement TOU pricing once it has determined it is prepared to do so and has provided notice in the manner required by the SSS Code.
The SSS Code defines an “eligible time-of-use meter” as “an interval meter or a meter that measures and records electricity use during each of the periods of the day referred to in section 3.4.1 cumulatively over a meter reading period”.
The Board is amending the SSS Code to require electricity distributors to also apply the final RPP variance settlement (“RPP Settlement”) amount to consumers that cease to meet RPP eligibility requirements.
Distributors are not currently required to offer equal billing to their customers, although section 2.6.2 of the SSS Code permits them to do so in relation to standard supply service customers if they wish.
The SSS Code, in section 2.5.3, requires that small volume/residential consumers with a peak demand of 50 kW or less receive a fixed price subject to terms established by the Board.
The proposed amendment to the SSS Code referred to in this section B will come into force on the date that the final amendment is published on the Board’s website.
All written submissions received by the Board in relation to the SSS Code amendments referred to in section B will likewise be made available in the same manner.