Examples of Stadium District in a sentence
The Stadium District may acquire land and construct, finance, furnish, maintain, improve, operate, market and promote the use of existing or proposed major league baseball spring training facilities or stadiums and other structures, utilities, roads, parking areas or buildings necessary for full use of the training facilities or stadiums for sports and other purposes.
For this purpose, the Stadium District considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period.
The reported information includes all of the activities of the Stadium District.
Capital assets are defined by the Stadium District as assets with an initial, individual cost in excess of $5,000 and an estimated useful life of more than one year.
Maricopa County Stadium District The Maricopa County Stadium District is a legally separate entity pursuant to A.R.S. §48-4202 that provides regional leadership and fiscal resources to assure the presence of Major League Baseball in Maricopa County.
However, the financial statements present only the Stadium District, as one of the governmental funds of Pima County, and are not intended to present the balances and activity of Pima County, Arizona, in its entirety.
As the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors serves as the Board of Directors of the Stadium District and has operational responsibility over the District, it is considered a blended component unit of the County.
The County Board of Supervisors is the Board of Directors of the Stadium District.
The Stadium District does not currently have a minimum fund balance policy or policy to assign funds and will not present any assigned fund balances.
The Stadium District has authority to issue special obligation bonds for this purpose.