Examples of Stadium Seating in a sentence
The scope of work consists of the supply and installation of Stadium Seating including accessories to complete all in accordance with the Specifications and Drawings at location indicated on the Drawings.
Approved the request to increase the project budget for GS 106-230, Stadium Seating Replacement, from $1 million to $4.9 million for an increase of $3.9 million.
I-Beam and Aluminum Angle Stadium Seating, Grandstands, Bleachers, Chairback Seating, and Press Boxes.
Approved the request to increase the project budget for GS 106-230 – Stadium Seating Replacement Phase II, from $6,400,000 to $6,540,944 for an increase of $140,944.
Track: Invited Session: Optimization Modeling in Applications Chair(s): Ming ZhaoSupply Chain Risk Management093-0937Optimization Models for Group Seating in StadiumsDavid Bergman, Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut, United States Carlos Cardonha, IBM Research, Sao Paulo, IBM, BrazilSaharnaz Mehrani, Student, University of Connecticut, United StatesWe study the Stadium Seating Problem, a seating optimization problem faced by organizers of large group outings to events held in stadiums.
Services: Refers to the Stadium Seating and Installation as requested in this RFP.
Riddle Stadium Seating Expansion Project, however, an insufficient number were submitted.
F31.231$25,000.00ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION (Capital Budget);CP0122; Park Amenities Upgrade; Private Donation to Remove the Bleachers at Cubeta Stadium and the Power Wash and Paint the Stadium Seating (Source of Funds: Private Donation (to be approved by Parks & Recreation Committee)).05/30/23 – Submitted by Mayor Simmons 05/23/23 – Approved by Planning Board 06/08/23 – Approved by Board of Finance 6-0-0 06/12/23 – Held at Steering7.
Inc., to provide DSA Shop Drawing Preparation for Stadium Seating at San Dieguito Academy, during the period July 19, 2013 through January 19, 2014, in the amount of $13,750.00, to be expended from Building Fund-Prop 39 Fund 21-39.
A Contract Amendment will be issued for each addition/deletion.The Contractor shall be responsible for a Post-Construction Cleaning for the Natatorium, Stadium Seating and all areas of this facility under this contract.