Examples of Stapled Entities in a sentence
Whilst there is a similar restriction on the issue of Attached Securities of any new class pursuant to the terms of the constitutions of the Stapled Entities without the consent of the holders of Attached Securities, notwithstanding any other provision of this deed, the Responsible Entity must not issue any Units which are of a different class from any Units already issued without an ordinary resolution being passed at a meeting of Unitholders to that effect.
Despite any provision of this deed or the constitutions of the Stapled Entities, or any rule of law (but subject to the Corporations Act) while the Units and the Attached Securities are Stapled, in exercising any power or discretion, the Responsible Entity may have regard to the interests of the holders of Stapled Securities as a whole and not only to the interests of the holders of the Units and relevant Attached Securities considered separately.
Using the third degree of kin- ship, an individual is considered to be in the same family with his or her:• Parents• Grandparents• Great-grandparents• Children• Grandchildren• Great-grandchildren• Siblings• Nieces and nephews• Aunts and uncles Stapled Entities.
Any such apportionment could result in the Trust bearing the entirety of the expenses or it being shared with the Stapled Entities or borne totally by the Stapled Entities.
While Stapling applies the Trustee may in its absolute discretion agree the apportionment of expenses incurred in connection with the Trust and the Stapled Entities or with Stapled Securities, as between the Trust and the Stapled Entities.
The Trustee must use reasonable endeavours to procure that, if Stapled Securities are and continue to be Officially Quoted as such, Units are dealt with under this deed in a manner consistent with the provisions relating to the Attached Securities in the constitutions of the Stapled Entities.
The Stapled Entities have entered into a Cooperation Deed to facilitate the ongoing stapling together of the Stapled Securities.
Among other things, the Manager makes available to the Stapled Entities individuals to perform the functions equivalent to those that would ordinarily be performed by a Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Investment Officer and Company Secretary.
Any member whose shares have been forfeited is, despite that fact, liable to pay and must immediately pay to the Company and the relevant Stapled Entities all calls, instalments, interest and expenses owing upon or in respect of such shares and Attached Securities at the time of the forfeiture together with interest on such items from the time of forfeiture until payment at such rate as the directors may determine.
Using the third degree of kin- ship, an individual is considered to be in the same family with his or her: Parents Grandparents Great-grandparents Children Grandchildren Great-grandchildren Siblings Nieces and nephews Aunts and uncles Stapled Entities.