Examples of State allocation in a sentence
Entities wishing to apply for assistance should contact the Rural Development State Office to receive further information, the State allocation of funds, and copies of the pre- application package.
The JAG funding formula includes a State allocation consisting of a minimum base allocation with the remaining amount determined on population and violent crime statistics.
Any cost beyond the State allocation per month shall be borne by the employee through payroll deduction or on a direct-pay basis if the payroll warrant does not contain an amount sufficient to cover the cost.
SEAs must award ESSER formula subgrants to LEAs within one year of receiving the State allocation.
The State Direc- tor may be directed or given the option of suballocating the State allocation to processing offices.
Up to two and one-half percent (5%) of the annual State allocation may be reserved for administrative and State level activities to support LEA efforts in meeting the purpose of the Title II, Part A program.
An SEA must also make awards with its SEA Reserve within one year of receiving the State allocation.
If the school does not have any funds available and is requesting the maximum State allocation, enter $0 as the Estimated Private/Nonpublic Funds Available.
For the month of October of each year, the insurance program will operate as follows: each eligible employee will be entitled, on a pro rata, FTE basis, to a maximum District contribution of the State allocation.
After September 1, 1987, those employees who obtain professional credits that are applicable on the State allocation or LEAP schedule shall also have such credits recognized by the District for placement on the local salary schedule.