Examples of Base state in a sentence
Funding is based on the 1st month average daily membership.• In year 1 – Base state allotments are determined by the LEA in which the student resides• In year 2 and beyond- Base State allotments are determined by the LEA in which the school is located.Local Funds: Charter schools receive a per pupil share of the local current expense of the LEA in which the student resides.Federal Funds: Charter schools must qualify and apply for the individual federal grants based on their population of students.
As such, graft- ing a BGP session requires transferring a large amount of RIB (Routing Information Base) state, as well as moving the associated configuration state.
Base state" means the state from or in which the bus is most frequently dispatched, garaged, serviced, maintained, operated or otherwise controlled, or in the case of a fleet bus the state to which it is allocated for registration under statutory requirements.
The Base state program management set-aside workplan describesplanned funding and uses in more detail and includes a line-item budget.
Base state variables (reference pressures and temperatures) will be set to Texas summertime values to appropriately initialize the model atmosphere.