Examples of State court system in a sentence
Any remedies on breach of the AGREEMENT will be determined exclusively through binding arbitration provided by the New York State court system.
However, once having gone through the State court system, plaintiffs who then try to have their federal claims adjudicated in a federal forum face, in many cases, potential preclusion defenses.
The order states the intent that the Principles guide the use of technology in the Washington State court system and by all other persons, agencies, and bodies under the authority of this Court.
Letters from the State court system must be signed by the Chief Justice or State Court Administrator.
The program is run by the Center for Court Innovation in collaboration with the New York State court system, the Legal Aid Society, Legal Services NYC, and New York Legal Assistance Group.
All other applicants must contribute a match of 25% to a new SJI-funded project, and at least 10% of that match must be in the form of cash.The match requirement works as follows: If, for example, a State court system receives a $100,000 grant from the Institute, it must provide a $50,000 match; at least 20% of the required match for a new grant ($10,000 in the example) must be in the form of cash rather than in-kind support (e.g., the value of staff time contributed to the project).
AB 1484 appropriates $22 million to the DOF (of which up to $2 million may be allocated to the State court system) for work associated with applicable portions of the Dissolution Act (uncodified Section 38 of AB 1484).
Leases are negotiated for money and once formalized they are supported by the State court system.
Twin Falls, Idaho -- The Department concluded a settlement agreement with the Fifth Judicial District of the Idaho State court system to provide effective communication in court proceedings.
Among other topics, this report provides context about the Washington State court system and LFOs, including a discussion of data limitations.