Examples of State librarian in a sentence
State library - State librarian appointed by the superintendent of public instruction.
The quality and quantity of service rendered by the library should be open to inspection by such agency as the State librarian may appoint for the purpose.
REPORT OF THE CHAIRPERSONMr. Viall reported that Karen Mellor has been officially appointed to the position of Chief of Library Services.Tom Evans, the Rhode Island State Librarian, is the subject of a December 08 Providence Journal article entitled State librarian Tom Evans speaks volumes about R.I. history.
This year’s team, led by Rand Simmons of the Washington State Library, included: Mike Wirt, director at Spokane County Library District and WLA’s Legislative Com- mittee co-chair; Jan Walsh, Washington State librarian; Mary Jo Torgeson, director at Puyallup Public Library; and Marilyn Mitchell, trustee at Jefferson County Library and representative of the Washington Library tfriends, tfoun- dations, Trustees and Advocates interest group (WLtftfTA).
The State librarian is directed to fit up and maintain a separate place for the use of the colored people who may come to the library for the purpose of reading books or periodicals.