Examples of State MCL in a sentence
Of the contaminants identified as exceeding the MCL at the time of the ROD, the State MCL for benzene was established and later revised to 1 micrograms per liter (µg/L) and is now more stringent than the federal MCL selected as the ROD clean up level.
The State MCL for TCE is now 5 µg/L, which matches both the federal MCL and the ROD cleanup level.
For the purposes of the PWTA, the NJDEP used the newly adopted Federal MCL of 10 ug/l for assessing the PWTA results beginning in September 2002.• State MCL - The NJDEP proposed a new arsenic MCL of 5 µg/l which became effective January 23, 2006.
Therefore, the discharge has a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an in-stream excursion above the State MCL.
Also, an Explanation of Significant Differences should be issued to select the new State MCL as a groundwater cleanup standard for the Site.The 2014 FYR included two issues and recommendations. Table 5.
Also, this action would prevent migration of the contaminants to the groundwater in such concentrations that would result in future groundwater concentrations that exceed Federal and State MCL.
The New York State MCL for TCA, a principal organic contaminant, is 5 ppb, and the MCL for trihalomethanes (chloroform) is 100 ppb.
All application fees, procedures and requirements contained within this document are derived from the Michigan Public Service Commission’s Interconnection Standards Rules (R 460.481-460.489) and the Commission-approved Generator Interconnection Requirements or Generator Interconnection Procedures as well as other applicable State (MCL Act 295) and Federal (Part 292 of Title 18 CFR) laws.
Available data indicate that trichloroethene (TCE), another synthetic, industrially-derived organic contaminant, has not been detected in concentrations above the Federal and State MCL of 5 ppb in the Verdugo Study Area.
The Performance Standard for the remedy for each contaminant of concern in the ground water (see Table 9) shall be the lower of either the background concentration, the SDWA non-Zero MCLG or the federal or State MCL for that contaminant.