Examples of State Scheme in a sentence
A transfer to the West State Scheme of an amount that is to be then transferred from that scheme under regulation 79B is to be regarded for the purposes of subregulation (2) as a transfer to provide a phased retirement benefit.
As per Planning Commission directives the NPRPD scheme has been made a State Scheme and provision under State Sector of the Annual Plan needed to be provided to maintain the CBRW/ SRC Shillong, Tura and payment of honorarium to the staff of the above establishments, office contingencies, training programmes, workshop etc.
Although the Caterpillar Pension Plan has contracted out of part of the State Pension Scheme (see next page), it is still important to know what the State Scheme provides for you and your dependants.
Such initiative would also facilitate the linking of the NAP with IMO efforts concerning the definition of IMO instruments compliance gaps, inter alia the IMO Member State Scheme Audit Scheme (IMSAS), including the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code), IMO’s plans to assist developing countries with the preparation of national maritime policies focusing on IMO related issues, and, ultimately, to define a plan of action to fill the identified gaps.
A20 For the purposes of this Schedule: Additional Supplies Means: (a) New Supplies; (b) State Scheme Supplies; (c) New Cohorts added to the NIP during the Term; (d) Additional Orders for Other Procurement Supplies; or (e) Additional Orders of Supplies, excluding Pandemic Supplies, above the National Market Share.
It was later modified and introduced (August 2007) as a new State Scheme called Rural Rehabilitation Programme (RRP) in all 30 districts of the State.
The State Scheme is in two parts – the Basic State Pension and S2P.
The State Pension Benefits payable under the LGPS are in addition to any pension paid via the State Scheme.
III) dt.19.4.2002, the scheme National Programme for rehabilitation of persons with Disabilities (NPRPD) will be a State Scheme and provision under State Sector of the Annual Plan should be provided.
State Scheme means the superannuation scheme established under the Superannuation Act 1988.