Examples of State Superannuation Scheme in a sentence
For other superannuation schemes (i.e. State Superannuation Scheme and State Authorities Superannuation Scheme), the expense is calculated as a multiple of the employees’ superannuation contributions.
Employees may contribute to the Pension Scheme, a defined benefit pension scheme now closed to new members or the Gold State Superannuation Scheme (GSS), a defined benefit lump sum scheme also closed to new members.
Eligible employees contribute to the Pension Scheme, a defined benefit pension scheme closed to new members since 1987, or the Gold State Superannuation Scheme (GSS), a defined benefit lump sum scheme closed to new members since 1995.
All staff who do not contribute to either of these schemes become non-contributory members of the West State Superannuation Scheme, an accumulation fund complying with the Commonwealth Government's Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992.
For other superannuation schemes (i.e. State Superannuation Scheme and State Authorities Superannuation Scheme), the expense is calculated as a multiple of the employees' superannuation contributions.
All staff who do not contribute to either of these schemes become non-contributory members of the West State Superannuation Scheme, an accumulation fund complying with the Commonwealth Government’s Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992.
For other superannuation schemes (ie State Superannuation Scheme and State Authorities Superannuation Scheme), the expense is calculated as a multiple of the employees’ superannuation contributions.
The liabilities for superannuation charges under the Gold State Superannuation Scheme and West State Superannuation Scheme are extinguished by payment of employer contributions to the GESB.
Employees commencing employment prior to 16 April 2007 who were not members of either the Pension Scheme or the GSS became non-contributory members of the West State Superannuation Scheme (WSS).
The GESB subsequently paid the employer contributions in respect of the Gold State Superannuation Scheme to the Consolidated Fund.