Examples of Statewide initiative in a sentence
The selected Contractor(s) will provide on-going career counseling and intensive supportive case management services based on the principles of a CalWORKs 2.0 State-wide initiative that was launched in 2017 by the County Welfare Directors Association (CWDA) of California.
Based on a reduced income from commodities from 2014 to 2016, there was a Statewide initiative to reduce the costs of infrastructure projects, including the postponement or cancellation of services considered as non-essential.
FILING INSTRUCTIONS FOR INITIATIVE, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT AND REFERENDUM PETITIONS Filing Location Statewide initiative, constitutional amendment and referendum petitions are filed with the Michigan Department of State’s Bureau of Elections, Richard H.
Statewide initiative to promote teacher preparation programs aimed at underrepresented groups.
Over the past summer the QPS conducted Operation Merit, a State-wide initiative focusing on activities relevant to each region’s unique policing environment.
This will utilize much of the resources provided by Cyber Guild which is a Statewide initiative to promote cybersecurity awareness, cyber competitions and cyber education.
Chaz Tedesco made the MOTION to approve an additional $15,000 for the FY 2023 Wildlife Management Statewide initiative budget.
As a result, any exemption granted can only be exercised by the small number of persons who have the technological know-how to create their own tools and mechanisms.In addition, the process is structured in a way that makes it difficult for consumers to participate meaningfully in the process.
The Heritage Trail is a Statewide initiative that started in 1988 and seeks to provide a continuous trail corridor through New Hampshire from Massachusetts to Canada.
Kim McClung, Vice President of the Clinic Network, along with Jamie Nephew, Clinic Manager Valley Family Medicine, provided a report on the National and State-wide initiative in partnership with Washington State Hospital Association and the Washington State Medical Association to achieve 95% participation with Valley’s patient population to honor patients end- of-life choices through one-on-one discussions, education, personal conversation and ultimately the recording of an Advance Care Plan in EPIC.