Examples of Statistical Sample in a sentence
The agency shall not use statistical sampling to determine over- payment where the review group consists of fewer than one hundred (100) claims for pay- ment; (B) A Statistical Sample Selected From the Review Group.
Quality Statistical Sample Reviews SPEC Headquarters Tax Analysts with extensive tax law experience will conduct QSS reviews.
The program provides no-cost Federal tax return preparation and electronic filing to underserved segments of individual taxpayers, including low- to moderate-income, elderly, disabled, and limited-English-proficient taxpayers.WHY TIGTA DID THE AUDITThis follow-up review was completed to determine whether the IRS’s Quality Statistical Sample (QSS) review program provides a sufficient evaluation of the accuracy of tax return preparation at Volunteer Program sites.
Repeat Finding: NoQuestioned Costs: $577,262 known Statistical Sample: NoContext: We tested 28 subrecipient payments, totaling $666,104, and noted $577,262 did not have adequate documentation to support that expenditures were allowable and in accordance with Federal cost principles.
ANNUITIZATION PROCESS Annuitization is irrevocable once payments have begun.
Repeat Finding: 2017-007 Questioned Costs: Unknown Statistical Sample: NoContext: We tested 40 receipts (26 Building Division, 14 Materiel Division) to ensure the rates billed were proper.
Repeat Finding: 2017-019 Questioned Costs: None Statistical Sample: No Context: For 2 of 10 clients tested, the IPE was not developed within 90 days of eligibility determination; the IPEs were 8 and 128 days late.
Statistical sample frequencies are dependent on the extended dollar value of the inventory at the site: Extended Dollar Value FrequencySite Inventory Value$1.0 million or more 4 times per year (quarterly)$0.5M to $999,999.99 2 times per year (semiannually)Less than $500,000 of inventory 1 time per year (annually)Specific instructions for performing a Statistical Sample are contained in the eMARS User Guide.
Required ProceduresUsing the sampling parameters discussed above, Statistical Sample Methodology, and the population defined for this assertion, select a statistical random sample of HEAL loans for which interest was capitalized during the review period and perform procedures described at Appendix E, Table 2.
When SPEC Territory Offices are determining this five-year period, they consider when a site has had a Quality Statistical Sample (QSS) review, SPEC Shopping Review, Field Site Visit (FSV) and/or Remote Site Review (RSR).