Examples of Test cycle in a sentence
Prerequisites: A functioning (public) service provider site A valid time-locked NemID for Business employee signature with a code card Test cycle: Login Status after the test: The employee is not logged on at the service provider’s site.
These cycles include the US FTP cycle (Urban) and Highway Fuel Economy Test cycle as well as the US06, a more aggressive supplemental regulatory cycle.
The operating range of the bus when run on the Altoona Test cycle shall be at least 350 miles with full fuel capacity.
Around each release in a small company there is effectively a Board-level decision involving Sales and Customer Support, with input from Marketing, Development and QA, on whether to release the Software Under Test with the defects discovered, or to delay for another System Test cycle incorporating Development’s latest fixes.
Stage 1: Risk profile g Risk assessment4.23 The first stage of the Use Test cycle is the firm’s assessment of its risk profile.