Statistically significant change definition
Examples of Statistically significant change in a sentence
Pharmacokinetic Studies Statistically significant change in plasma concentration (p <0.001) was observed for PLCs-NLCs, PLCs than Mgf after peroral administration.
Drug Use Among Jamaican Youth in Grades 9 to 13, 1987 and 1997 Alcohol * InhalantsGanga (smoked) *Cigarettes Amphetamines *Crack Cocaine *0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%Percent Using Drug Within Last 30 Days19871997Source: Douglas (2000), Patterns of Substance Use and Abuse Among Post-Primary Students.* Statistically significant change over time.
DAY 1 Mean Pain Assessment Scores (Pre-Treatment) (+ Standard Deviation [S.D.]) IceWave X (Pre-Treatment)IceWave Y (Pre-Treatment) *Statistically significant change from baseline, p<0.05.
Furthermore, except when λ0 = 1, some negative values of ε0 are allowed.Proposition 6.9. Under the assumptions (6.44), the pε-component of the solution to (6.2) subject to the initial conditions (6.3) and (6.4) is given bycosh(at) + 2√|λ0|−δ sinh(at)pε(t) = pδ2−4 e−Ct (6.47)— √0 cosh(at) δ sinh(at)δ2−4for as long as the solution to th√e system (6.2) exists.
Circulating VTG analyses for male and female fathead minnows exposed to 2-methoxyethanol.Nominal 2- MethoxyethanolCirculating VTG (ng/ml) Male FemaleGroup(mg/L) Mean IndividualMeanReplicateMeanIndividualMeanReplicateControl 0 225.3 191.5 1,287 +103 1,301 +103Low 1 214.3 214.3 2,286 +103 2,172 +103Intermediate 10 273.3 273.3 3,690 +103 4,417 +103Removing immature 10 NA NA 4,055 +103* 4,730 +103High 100 - - - - 5,058 +103 5,058 +103* Statistically significant change, NA – not applicable.
Relevant information affecting the district as a whole is communicated throughout the district ^ * Statistically significant change between survey years 2013 and 2016^ Elements used to measure goals and objectives in the districtwide strategic plan 22Bakersfield CollegeAt Bakersfield College, most of the communication questions were more positive in 2016, compared to 2013.
Circulating VTG analyses for male and female fathead minnows exposed to potassium permanganate.Nominal KMnO4Circulating VTG (ng/ml) Male FemaleGroup(mg/L) Mean IndividualMeanReplicateMeanIndividualMeanReplicateControl 0 147.3 181.1 1,070 +103 870 +103Low 0.1125 296.1 296.1 1,269 +103 1,490 +103Intermediate 0.225 113.5 125.3 2,089 +103 2,142 +103High 0.45 4.3 4.3* 83 +103 83 +103* Statistically significant change in replicates; NA – not applicable.
Statistically significant change from baseline will be assessed using a two-sided t-test.Analysis Cohort:All subjects with QoL assess at both baseline and 12 months with an EQ-5D questionnaire will be included.
Statistically significant change in the duration of an opening-closing cycle was observed for A2 only (F(2,8)=17.37, p<0.02).
Statistically significant change will be tested for the difference between two proportions in two independent samples.