Stochastic model definition
Examples of Stochastic model in a sentence
The Group has adopted a Stochastic model to calculate the fair value of options, which enables the Total Shareholder Return (TSR) performance condition attached to the awards to be factored into the fair value calculation.
The Group has used the Stochastic model to value the grants which is dependent upon factors including the share price, expected volatility and vesting period and the resulting fair value is amortised through the income statement over the vesting period.
Stochastic model allows to estimate the confining string ten- sion in terms of the vacuum fields.
Employee share options are valued in accordance with a Stochastic model and judgement is required regarding the choice of some of the inputs to the model.
To remedy this paucity, we used results from a series of simulations based on the Lagrangian Stochastic model of Mueller & Veron (2009) for wind speeds ranging from 0 m s−1 to 30 m s−1.
Furthermore, one can recover an almost purely elastic response by doubling the drag coefficient (red symbols).The choice of the value of η has also a strong influence on the rate of the tension recovery in phase II, we checked that our choice allows to keep this rate in the physiological range, see section 4.1.1. 20 (a)−x˙c (µm s−1)15 Experimental data Stochastic model 4000 𝗌˙, W˙ (zJ s−1)3000(b) W˙ Exp.
Data - phase IT1 - Stochastic model - η = 2 ηref T1 - Stochastic model - η = ηref T1 - Stochastic model - η = 0.5 ηref T1 - Stochastic model - η → ∞T2 - Stochastic model - η = 2 ηref T2 - Stochastic model - η = ηref T2 - Stochastic model - η = 0.5 ηref PSE model Figure 6: Comparison of the calibrated model prediction and experimental data for the fast transient response.
Stochastic model predictive control can be used to improve the utilization of renewable energy sources, while keeping a storage device (i.e., a battery) to its maximum charging state and minimizing the power generated by micro-CHP plants [54].
Stochastic model is the one with uncertainties in both arrival rate and service rate and let job with infinite number of tasks ranging from T0 to T∞ arrives.
Stochastic model has the risk of deviation in the last few generations in subplot (c); FSOM gains no feasible candidate (i.e. candidate without penalty) in both 9th and 20th generations in subplot (d), which endangers the feasibility of the following generations.