Storm Watch definition
Examples of Storm Watch in a sentence
The ISO shall calculate Storm Watch Costs by multiplying the real-time Shadow Price of any binding constraint associated with a Storm Watch, by the higher of (a) zero; or (b) the scheduled Day-Ahead flow across the constraint minus the actual real-time flow across the constraint.
Re-dispatching costs incurred as a result of reductions in Transfer Capability caused by Storm Watch (“Storm Watch Costs”) shall be aggregated and recovered on a monthly basis by the ISO exclusively from Transmission Customers in Load Zone J.
For the In-City area, “Constrained Hours” shall also include the number of minutes that a Storm Watch is in effect.
The Transmission Owner directly involved with such Local Reliability Rule, such as Storm Watch, shall advise the ISO that Adverse Conditions are imminent or present and recommend to the ISO the activation of procedures in support of that Local Reliability Rule.
Payments for securing NYCA reliability and local system reliability shall be recovered by the ISO in accordance with Rate Schedule 1 of the ISO OATT.Re-dispatching costs incurred as a result of reductions in Transfer Capability caused by Storm Watch (“Storm Watch Costs”) shall be aggregated and recovered on a monthly basis by the ISO exclusively from Transmission Customers in Load Zone J.
Either or both of the Parties shall be excused from paying an M2MPARSettlement (described in Section 8.3 of this Schedule D) to the other Party at times when a Storm Watch is in effect in New York and the operating requirements and other criteria set forth in Section 8.3.1 below are satisfied.
Make available the Excal Visual Municipal Storm Water Pollution Prevention Storm Watch Everyday Best Management Practices software.
The ISO shall calculateStorm Watch Costs by multiplying the real-time Shadow Price of any binding constraint associated with a Storm Watch, by the higher of (a) zero; or (b) the scheduled Day-Ahead flow across the constraint minus the actual real-time flow across the constraint.
Payments for securing NYCA reliability and local system reliability shall be recovered by the ISO as DisputeResolutionCosts in accordance with Section 6.1.13 of Rate Schedule 1 of the ISO OATT.Re-dispatching costs incurred as a result of reductions in Transfer Capability caused by Storm Watch (“Storm Watch Costs”) shall be aggregated and recovered on a monthly basis by the ISO exclusively from Transmission Customers in Load Zone J.
Such workshops and events are described above.SMC continues to make available the Excal Visual Storm Watch Municipal Stormwater Pollution Prevention software to Lake County MS4s.