Examples of Land adjoining in a sentence
Clause 24 Land adjoining public open space: The proposal is acceptable in terms of Clause 24(2).
Land adjoining the home is considered part of the home only if it maintains the home's livability and is not, other than incidentally, a source of income to the owner.
During and following completion of such construction, the parking that is located on the Land adjoining the applicable Facility shall remain adequate for the operation of such Facility for its Primary Intended Use and in no event shall such parking be less than is required by any applicable Legal Requirements or was located on the Land adjoining such Facility prior to such construction.
Land adjoining the FMU is used for a broad range of purposes, including formal and informal reserves, agriculture, tourism, residential, industrial, recreational uses and forestry.
Land adjoining Main South Road between Marshs Road and Halswell Junction Road; andii.
Land adjoining the channel which is inundated only during floods.
Land adjoining the village was used for slash and burn (chenna) cultivation, whilst forests in the catchment were left undisturbed (Ulluwishewa 1995).
Clause 24 Land adjoining public open space The provisions of Clause 24 of WLEP 1995 requires the consideration of the impact of a proposal upon the amenity of any adjoining public open space and whether the proposal is in conflict with any plan of management for the adjoining public open space.
As announced by the Chairman a late report relating to Planning Appeal APP/L3815/W/21/3274502 – Land adjoining A27 Scant Road West, Hambrook, The Chairman proposed that by virtue of paragraph(s) 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded for this item.
Clause 24 Land adjoining public open space Clause 24 of Woollahra LEP 1995 requires Council to take into consideration the impact of the development upon the amenity of an adjoining public open space area and any plan of management for that public open space area.