INTERCAM BANCO may notify the "CUSTOMER" of any notice, requirement, registration of "Accounts" destination in the performance of the operations it carries out, by the same means indicated in the preceding paragraph. The use of the Electronic Means" implies the acceptance of the parties to carry out Transactions, issue instructions to settle Transactions, make consultations, fulfill obligations, give notices, make requirements, as well as to arrange Transactions, under the protection of this "Contract" and that the Electronic Means themselves allow, according to their nature and that "INTERCAM BANCO" may make available to the "CUSTOMER". For such purposes, "INTERCAM BANCO" will provide the "CUSTOMER" with the identification means and corresponding Access Device(s) for its use, therefore the "CUSTOMER" expressly agrees from now on, that its use, implies the acceptance of the Electronic Means and of all the legal effects derived from its use, being the total responsibility of the "CUSTOMER" the use of the same. Likewise, the "CUSTOMER" knows, accepts and authorizes that any conversation may be recorded by "INTERCAM BANCO". The "CUSTOMER" accepts from now on that "INTERCAM BANCO" will have no obligation to inform him/her, in due time, that such conversations are being recorded, as well as that such conversations will be the exclusive property of "INTERCAM BANCO", and that their content will produce the same effects that the laws grant to the autographic documents subscribed by the parties, having consequently the same probative value. Finally, the "CUSTOMER" hereby releases "INTERCAM BANCO", its officers, employees, shareholders and delegates from any liability that may arise from instructions given and Transactions settled in contravention of the provisions of this "Agreement".
INTERCAM BANCO shall deliver the “CUSTOMER”, upon executing this Agreement and at the entire election of the Customer, physically or electronically a counterpart of the Agreement and of the Title Page or Title Pages of each of the products or services hereby contracted in accordance with the Agreement. For a further contracting of other products or services, they may be sent to the e-mail address provided by the “CUSTOMER” to such end. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the execution of this Agreement or of the relevant request does not imply the obligation by “INTERCAM BANCO” to grant to the “CUSTOMER” all the services and products described in the relevant clauses, since, in addition to the fact that the “CUSTOMER” meets the requirement established by “INTERCAM BANCO” as internal policy, “INTERCAM BANCO” must analyze the feasibility of the “CUSTOMER” to become a borrower of the services indicated. It is expressed agreed upon that all references made in or as to this Agreement shall be understood as included in and incorporated to the “Request- Agreement” to the further Requests and the “Title Pages” and “Exhibits”. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if there is any discrepancy among the provisions set forth in the clauses hereof and in any of the provisions set forth in the “Request-agreement”, the “Title Pages” or the “Exhibits”, the latter shall prevail.
INTERCAM BANCO shall be empowered by the "CUSTOMER" to exchange information with Banco de México and the receiving, intermediary or correspondent Credit Institutions, in order to carry out the transfer of funds ordered by the "CUSTOMER".

Examples of INTERCAM BANCO in a sentence

  • The request may be submitted to the branch where your "Accounts" are located or to the specialized unit for attention to queries and complaints from customers and users of "INTERCAM BANCO" (the "Specialized Unit"), in writing, which "INTERCAM BANCO" must acknowledge receipt or by e-mail or any other means by which its receipt can be reliably verified.

  • For purposes of the provisions of this Clause, when operating, "INTERCAM BANCO" may denounce or inform the competent authorities by virtue of the respective operation and investigation.

  • The aforementioned opinion and report must be made in writing and signed by "INTERCAM BANCO" personnel empowered to do so.

  • For the purposes of this Agreement, the Specialized Unit shall have the purpose of attending to any inquiry, complaint or claim from the clients and users of "INTERCAM BANCO", whose data are set forth in the General Cover Page of this Agreement.

  • The use of the access codes defined herein shall be the sole responsibility of the “CLIENT”, who acknowledges and accepts from now on as his/her own all the transactions entered into with "INTERCAM BANCO" using such access codes, and for all legal purposes, expressly acknowledges and accepts the personal and non-transferable nature of the “CLIENT” code, as well as its confidentiality.

More Definitions of INTERCAM BANCO

INTERCAM BANCO informs the "CUSTOMER" that, in terms of the Law for the Protection of Bank Savings and the applicable rules, only the Bank Deposits of money on demand, withdrawable on pre-established days, are guaranteed by the Institute for the Protection of Bank Savings (IPAB), and with prior notice, as well as loans and credits accepted by "INTERCAM BANCO" up to the equivalent of four hundred thousand UDIS per person, individual or legal entity, regardless of the number, type and kind of such obligation in favor and in charge of "INTERCAM BANCO". For the payment of the balances of the obligations guaranteed by the IPAB that derive from collective "Accounts", the following shall apply: In the event that a "CUSTOMER" is the holder guaranteed by the IPAB in two or more individual and/or collective "Accounts" in "INTERCAM BANCO", and the sum of the balances of the guaranteed obligations derived from the individual "Accounts" and, if applicable, of the portion corresponding to the collective "Accounts", exceeds the amount equivalent to four hundred thousand UDIS, the IPAB will only pay up to such amount, prorating it among the "Accounts" according to their balance. In the event of the death of one of the Holders Guaranteed by the IPAB, the provisions of the sixth of the general provisions for the treatment of collective "Accounts" with more than one holder or co-holders referred to in Article 189, section IV of the Law of Credit Institutions shall apply. The foregoing on the understanding that IPAB's coverage will not exceed four hundred thousand UDIS per account, regardless of the number of account holders or co-owners.
INTERCAM BANCO shall have the right to cancel the "Accounts" that remain inactive for a period of more than 6 months and their balances are at zero pesos, notifying the client 30 calendar days prior to the date it intends to close such "Accounts", by means of a message sent to the e-mail address that the "CUSTOMER" has registered in the "INTERCAM BANCO" system, without prejudice to the other products and services that the "CUSTOMER" has contracted under this “Agreement”. In case of termination or rescission of this “Agreement”, "INTERCAM BANCO" will not be obliged to comply with any operation that is pending or that had been scheduled in advance or to provide any service from the date on which the “Agreement” is terminated, being the "CUSTOMER" obliged to withdraw any balance that exists in its favor within 5 (five) business days following the date on which such determination had been notified; after such term has elapsed without the corresponding withdrawal being made, the amount shall be made available to the "CUSTOMER" by cashier's check at the branch where the "Account" serving as the "backbone" of this “Agreement” was opened. In the event that "INTERCAM BANCO" offers the direct debit service and has been contracted by the "CUSTOMER", the latter may request at any time the cancellation of such service, by subscribing the cancellation form that "INTERCAM BANCO" will keep available for such purposes and delivering it to the latter at any of the branches of "INTERCAM BANCO".
INTERCAM BANCO shall not be liable: (i) for the effects derived from this authorization, nor for the operations and instructions given by the "CUSTOMER" in this clause; (ii) for the damages that may be caused to the "CUSTOMER", if in the "Account" there are not enough resources to make the requested charges derived from this instruction and authorization; and (iii) for any other cause beyond the control of this Credit Institution. In this regard, the "CUSTOMER" agrees to hold "INTERCAM BANCO" harmless from any liability related to this authorization, accepting from this moment that the "CUSTOMER" does not reserve any legal action for such situation. This periodic charge authorization will be in effect from the date of execution of this “Agreement” and until the "CUSTOMER" notifies "INTERCAM BANCO" in writing, with acknowledgment of receipt, of any change or cancellation thereof.
INTERCAM BANCO may credit "firmly" in the "Accounts" the amount of such checks, even if they have not been effectively cashed, in the understanding that if such checks are not paid, the amount of such checks will be charged to the respective "Account" immediately. Such Deposits may be made:
INTERCAM BANCO in order to provide security to the "CUSTOMER", may suspend or limit, without prior notice and without any liability on its part, the use of the "CARDS" when its internal security measures and controls indicate that the "CUSTOMER" or any third party may be misusing such "CARDS". The "CUSTOMER" upon receiving any replacement of the "CARD" must immediately destroy the previous plastic, except in the case of replacement due to expiration, in which case the previous plastic must be destroyed until its expiration date expires.
INTERCAM BANCO is authorized to perform this commission by itself or through a legally authorized intermediary, thus delegating the charges received by the "CUSTOMER".
INTERCAM BANCO shall make available to the "CUSTOMER", within a maximum term of (2) two banking "BUSINESS DAYS" counted from the date on which the notice mentioned in the preceding paragraph was submitted, by means of communication sent through the Electronic Means of communication established with the "CUSTOMER", a report with the following information: