Examples of Strengthening Partnerships in a sentence
Arlington, VA: Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project.
The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project is a five-year USAID-funded Cooperative Agreement to strengthen global and country efforts to scale up high-impact nutrition practices and policies and improve maternal and child nutrition outcomes.
Background to the Project:The Strengthening Partnerships, Results and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) Project is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Source: Adapted from 36Abbreviations: EDP, external development partner; NNAP, National Nutrition Action Plan; SPRING, Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally.
Importantly, there is a strong need to avoid comparisons across countries, as it could lead to misinterpretation; the added value is on being able to make comparisons over time within a country 31.In 2015 USAID’s Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project published its first edition of a Nutrition Budget Analysis Tool and a User’s Guide, later updated in 2018 as a second edition 35.
GENERAL The Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project is a five-year USAID-funded Cooperative Agreement to strengthen global and country efforts to scale up high-impact nutrition practices and policies and improve maternal and child nutrition outcomes.
Arlington,VA: Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project.
When this is allowed, the employee will be paid for his or her accumulated vacation.
Strengthening Partnerships, Results and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project.
Abbreviations: MQSUN+, Maximising the Quality of Nutrition Plus; PF4N, Public Finance for Nutrition; SPRING, Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally; SUN, Scaling Up Nutrition; UNICEF, United Nations Children’s Fund; USAID, US Agency for International Development; WASH, water, sanitation and hygiene.