Examples of Best management practice (BMP) in a sentence
Developer shall coordinate the landscape plans with all other elements of work performed under the East End Crossing, including but not limited to final grading, turf establishment, SWM Best Management Practice (BMP) locations, highway clear zones and sight distances, storm drain and SWM BMP outfalls and cross-culvert outfalls, utilities, signing/lighting, Tunnel portals, and the location of earth reinforcement.
The Property Owner(s) shall, between August 1st and October 1st of each year, inspect the stormwater treatment measure(s) using the Stormwater Treatment Measures Operating Maintenance Inspection Report (Annual Inspection Report), Best Management Practice (BMP) operation and maintenance fact sheets, which are attached to this agreement as Exhibit D and other appropriate documentation relating to the operation and maintenance of stormwater treatment measure(s).
Best Management Practice (BMP) – As defined in the Municipality’s Stormwater Management Ordinance, but generally including activities, facilities, designs, measures or procedures used to manage stormwater impacts from land development and earth disturbance activities to meet stormwater quality, runoff control and groundwater recharge protection requirements.
A BCWD staff member will evaluate the Best Management Practice (BMP) annually after the year of completion to ensure that the project is properly functioning.
Such measures must be above the latest Best Management Practice (BMP) level and may include the provision of personnel or systems which appropriately reduce the vulnerability of a vessel.