Strong Password definition
Examples of Strong Password in a sentence
Delaware Information Security Policy Strong Password Standard ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATEMENT State Of Delaware - Acceptable Use Policy State EmployeeThis is to certify that I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines set forth within the State Acceptable Use Policy.
A Strong Password is one that is not easily guessed (not your name, family members, pets, relative or anything else that could be attributed to you).
Information Technology Staff and other authorized individuals may, by nature of assigned duties and in support of authorized activities, be exempt from any or all of these provisions 3 A Strong Password must contain more than 10 characters in length, have at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter, and have at least one number or symbol (symbols include ~!@#$%^&*).
Strong Password: Strong passwords are constructed of a sequence of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, depending on the capabilities of the operating system or application.
If system preferences have been sent to require a Strong Password, it must meet three of the four qualifications:● A lowercase letter (a, j, r, etc.)● An uppercase letter (A, J, R, etc.)● A number (3, 7, 1, etc.)● A symbol (@, %, &, etc.)● Re-enter the password in the Verify Password field.● Click the Create Account button.
Strong Password: A minimum of eight characters using a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.
The Director of IT will ensure that (a) a Strong Password is required to access the Laptop or the Protected Information on it, and (b) the entire Laptop or the Protected Information on it, is Encrypted.
This includes ANY machine connected to the college’s wired or wireless network. Anyone with a Siena account must use Strong Passwords (see Strong Password Guidelines in the Password Policy). Passwords should not be shared nor given to any other person.b) EnforcementPassword integrity testing may be performed on a periodic or random basis by Siena College’s ITS department or hired third party.
South Carolina protects employees who are called to active duty and/or who serve in the South Carolina State Guard or South Carolina National Guard.
Employees are expected to have a unique username and a Strong Password or Biometric Identifier to access NHRS Information Systems and Electronic Devices.