Examples of Substantial remodel in a sentence
This includes all residences for sale or rent such as:• Substantial remodel and conversion of commercial buildings to residential residences• Substantial remodel of residential buildings• Condos and apartments Attachment 3-A provides a table indicating the minimum number of affordable residences required in an ownership project in a multifamily zone and the fractional portion of a residence that may be paid as a fee.
This includes all unitsresidences for sale or rent such as: Substantial remodel and conversion of commercial buildings to residential unitsresidences Substantial remodel of residential buildings Condos and apartments.
Substantial remodel shall mean the renovation of any structure which combined with any additions to the structure, performed within any three (3) year period, affects a floor area which exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the existing floor area of the structure.
This includes all units for sale or rent such as:Substantial remodel and conversion of commercial buildings to residential units Substantial remodel of residential buildingsCondos and apartments.