Substantial action definition

Substantial action means adopting, publicizing, and implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business operations within 1 year and to refrain from any new business operations.
Substantial action means adopting, publicizing, and implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business operations within 1 year and to refrain from any new business operations, undertaking significant humanitarian efforts in conjunction with an international organization, the government of Sudan, the regional government of southern Sudan, or a nonprofit entity and evaluated and certified by an independent third party to be substantial in relationship to the company's Sudan business operations and of benefit to 1 or more marginalized populations of Sudan, or through engagement with the government of Sudan, materially improving conditions for the genocidally victimized population in Darfur.
Substantial action means adopting, publicizing, and implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business operations within one year and to refrain from any such new business operations; undertaking significant humanitarian efforts on behalf of one or more marginalized populations of Sudan; or, through engagement with the government of Sudan, materially improving conditions for the genocidally victimized population in Darfur.

Examples of Substantial action in a sentence

  • Substantial action" means adopting, publicizing, and implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business operations within 1 year and to refrain from any new business operations.

  • Substantial action has been undertaken in the last ten years under the EU’s road safety action programme 2001-2010; and many new measures are currently envisaged in the EC white paper for the period up to 2020, including improving driver education and increasing enforcement of road rules as well as working towards environmental targets.

  • Substantial action must be taken within this time period or the approval will lapse.

  • Substantial action is considered: three folds, three checks, or any two actions consisting of a check/bet/call/fold except for two folds or two checks.

  • The PEYR will be coordinated by the EU-Council of Europe youth partnership team.

More Definitions of Substantial action

Substantial action means adopting, publicizing, and implementing a formal plan to cease
Substantial action means a boycott of the Government of Sudan, curtailing business in Sudan until that time described in Section I of this Policy, selling Company assets, equipment, or real and personal property located in Sudan, or undertaking significant humanitarian efforts in the eastern, southern, or western regions of Sudan.
Substantial action means adopting, publicizing, and
Substantial action means two players putting money in the pot, or three players acting by making a statement or physical gesture of intent to fold or put money in the pot by a bet, call, or raise. A player posting a blind or straddle is not considered to have taken action at that point. The term “substantial action” shall have no applicability to house banked poker games. (30-1002
Substantial action means adopting,
Substantial action means adopting, publicizing, and implementing a formal plan to cease scrutinized business operations within one year and to refrain from any such new business operations. (b) Within 90 days after the effective date of this Section, a retirement system shall make its best efforts to identify all scrutinized companies in which the retirement system has direct or indirect holdings. These efforts shall include the following, as appropriate in the retirement system's judgment: (1) reviewing and relying on publicly available
Substantial action means a boycott of the government of