Examples of Substantive interaction in a sentence
We will pursue the model of the site with HMC Architects as the cost looks reasonable.
SUBSTANTIVE INTERACTION• Substantive interaction would be defined under distance education as engaging students in teaching, learning, and assessment, consistent with the content under discussion, and including two of the following: 1.
Substantive interaction involves a sustained, interactive communication usually of three or more posts to the course Discussion Forum, consisting of one initial post to a question(s) in the course content and two posts to fellow students and/or the course instructor.
Substantive interaction includes two-way communication between the designated school employee and student.
GPFLEX students that attend in-person classes will have attendance taken normally.Attendance for virtual classes will be taken as described below: To be marked present a student will need to have:● Participation in class = daily work in Edgenuity or weekly average that shows progress to completion● Substantive interaction = active participation in video conference, meaningful two way communication (Google Form reflection, text, call, email, etc)Attendance must be recorded every 24-hours on school days.
Substantive interaction for education delivered through distance education is engaging students in teaching, learning, and assessment, consistent with the content under discussion.
Substantive interaction could include direct instruction, substantive feedback to assessments, or, as described above, contacts with students that create the opportunity for relevant discussion of academic subject matter.Assessment is an important part of the educational equation in all instances, but takes on particular importance in outcomes-focused programs like CBE.