Subsurface sewage treatment system definition
Examples of Subsurface sewage treatment system in a sentence
A Subsurface sewage treatment system under some form of common ownership that collects wastewater from two or more dwellings or buildings and conveys it to a treatment and dispersal system located on an acceptable site near the dwellings or buildings.
Subsurface sewage treatment system or "SSTS." "Subsurface sewage treatment system" or "SSTS" means an individual sewage treatment system as defined in part 7080.1100, subpart 41, or a midsized sewage treatment system as defined in part 7081.0020, subpart 4, as applicable.
After this, a slowly decelerating phase exists until the second pubertal growth spurt occurs during adolescence.
The excess of wet biomass was harvested and collected by filtration each two days (or three days over the weekend) and the overall dry biomass collected during 7 days.
Subsurface sewage treatment system (SSTS) well setbacks are the distances that must be maintained between septic systems and water supply wells – including domestic wells, irrigation or other “nonpotable” water-supply wells, industrial-supply wells, sandpoint/drivepoint wells, and abandoned but unsealed wells.
Subsurface sewage treatment system includes holding tanks and privies.
SSTS: Subsurface sewage treatment system Including an ISTS, MSTS or LSTS.
Subsurface sewage treatment system Including an ISTS, MSTS or LSTS.