Examples of Sufficient water supply in a sentence
Sufficient water supply also shall be available or provided to meet the fire protection water flow rate and volume requirements of the then applicable County codes and standards.
Sufficient water supply and access to water supplies for fire fighting shall be made available to all residential units via Council’s urban fully reticulated system and in accordance with the New Zealand Fire Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies Code of Practice (SNZ PAS:4509:2008).
Sufficient water supply must be ensured and made available to allow for mixing reserve fluid as required for this section.
Sufficient water supply also shall be available or provided to meet the fire protection water flow rate and volume requirements of the then applicable County codes and standards.According to the applicant, domestic water and fire protection service for Buildings A and B1, will be provided by the existing New Century AirCenter (NCAC) facilities at 159th Street and Aero Plaza Street.
Sufficient water supply exists along Edgehill to service the development with both fire and domestic servicing.
Sufficient water supply to service the proposed project will be provided by California- American Water.
Sufficient water supply, good ventilation and proper waste disposal are ensured in the development of the master plan.
Sufficient water supply X X X Adequate medicalsupplies X X X Provision of emergencyvehicle XSmaller average familysize X Healthy children multidimensional but very consistent with the common vision they cited earlier for the watershed.Aspirations of the indigenous peoples or IPs were similar to the non- IP communities.
Sufficient water supply is available to serve the project and therefore the proposed project would not substantially deplete groundwater supplies.
Sufficient water supply and access to water supplies for fire fighting to all buildings via Council’s urban fully reticulated water supply system in accordance with the New Zealand Fire Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies Code of Practice (SNZ PAS: 4509:2008) Non-compliance with permitted standard [The Crown, #495, p295] a.