Summary jury trial definition

Summary jury trial means a dispute resolution process that meets all of the following conditions:
Summary jury trial means a non-binding determination administered by the court in which (a) the parties’ attorneys present a summary of the evidence and arguments they expect to offer at trial to a six-person jury chosen from the court’s jury pool, (b) the jury deliberates and returns a non-binding decision on the issues in dispute, (c) the attorneys may discuss with the jurors their reaction to the evidence and reasons for the verdict, and (d) the presiding neutral may be available to conduct a mediation with the parties.
Summary jury trial means a summary presentation of a case to a jury which results in a nonbinding verdict.

Examples of Summary jury trial in a sentence

  • Summary jury trial, a process in which jurors hear abbreviated case presentations; there are no witnesses, and the jurors delivery an advisory verdict to facilitate an informal settlement process.

  • Summary jury trial - The summary jury trial is an abbreviated proceeding during which the parties’ attorneys summarize their case before a six-person jury.

  • Summary jury trial: each party and counsel present their position before a panel of 6 jurors, unless the parties agree to a different number.

  • Summary jury trial: ADR in which both parties to the dispute present their case to a small jury.

  • The National Center for Prevention of Torture (NCPT) plans to assess the compliance with legal requirements on women in 2019.According to the National Center for Prevention of Torture (NCPT) 2018 report, detention centers (DC) overseen by the State Service for Punishment Execution (SSPE) of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic do not meet the norms of dwelling space per person.

  • The judicial officer may refer appropriate cases to alternative dispute resolution programs, such as: ● Mini-trial; ● Summary jury trial; ● Mediation.

  • Summary jury trial - non-binding; no live testimony, 90-minute evidence statements from the lawyers to a 6-member jury who are not aware that their decision is non-binding.

  • Others would provide special treatment at the inception of such a case, but would not involve confidential examination of the merits.This memorandum discusses the following possible approaches, in the order listed:• Minnesota approach.• Pre-filing meet-and-confer requirement.• Early Neutral Evaluation Conference (“ENEC”).• Early case management conference, conducted in camera.• Summary jury trial, conducted in camera at an early stage of the case.

  • Summary jury trial: It is a mini-trial with a non-binding jury verdict.

  • Physiol.: Renal, Fluid Electrolyte Physiol., 1989, 256, F957–F964.

More Definitions of Summary jury trial

Summary jury trial means a formal case presentation to a jury and judge which results in a nonbinding decision;
Summary jury trial means summary presentations in complex cases before a jury empaneled to make findings which may or may not be binding.
Summary jury trial means that defined in Subsection 78-31b-1(8).
Summary jury trial means a summary presentation of a case to a jury which results

Related to Summary jury trial

  • Forum means any federal, state, local, municipal, or foreign court, governmental agency, administrative body or agency, tribunal, private alternative dispute resolution system, or arbitration panel.

  • the decisions means the decisions of the CMA on the questions which it is required to answer by virtue of section 35 of the Act;

  • Terms of the citation means those conditions and options expressly stated upon the citation.

  • Dispute means any dispute, controversy, claim or difference of whatever nature arising out of, relating to, or having any connection with this Agreement, including a dispute regarding the existence, formation, validity, interpretation, performance or termination of this Agreement or the consequences of its nullity and also including any dispute relating to any non-contractual rights or obligations arising out of, relating to, or having any connection with this Agreement.

  • Lawsuit means any lawsuit, arbitration or other dispute resolution filed by either party herein pertaining to any of this Warrant, the Facility Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement.

  • Military judge means an official of general and special courts-martial detailed in accordance with section 28-3.1-210.

  • Trial – means the proceeding in court or in a covered administrative proceeding when the parties try their case beginning with the impaneling of a jury in a jury trial or with opening statement if the parties are in a non-jury trial. Trial does not include things such as hearings, appearances on motions, negotiated pleas, pre-trial conferences, or appearances, and continuances by the court.

  • Final Order and Judgment means the final judgment and order of dismissal with prejudice to be entered in the Lawsuit in connection with the approval of the Settlement after the Final Approval Hearing.

  • key decision * means an executive decision which is likely to:

  • Action or Proceeding means any action, suit, proceeding, arbitration or investigation by or before any Governmental Authority.

  • Probation or parole means any kind of supervision or conditional release of juveniles authorized under the laws of the compacting states.

  • Court of Appeal means the division of the Supreme Court referred to in section 7(1)(b);

  • Subject Matter means the Unit as finally described in the Sectional Plan, read together with the Register;

  • Legal Dispute means any action, suit or proceeding between or among the Parties arising in connection with any disagreement, dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any related document.

  • Group Grievance is defined as a single grievance, signed by a Xxxxxxx or a Union Representative on behalf of a group of employee who have the same complaint. Such grievances must be dealt with at successive stages of the Grievance Procedure commencing with Step 1. The grievors shall be listed on the grievance form.

  • Adjudicative proceeding means the procedure to be followed in contested cases, as set forth in RSA 541-A:31 through RSA 541-A:36.

  • Complaints Procedure means the School's procedure for handling complaints from parents, as amended from time to time for legal or other substantive reasons or in order to assist the proper administration of the School. It is not intended to form part of the contract between you and the School. A copy of the most up-to-date procedure is on the School's website and is otherwise available from the School at any time upon request;

  • Final Approval Order and Judgment means the order in which the Court certifies the Settlement Class, grants final approval of this Settlement Agreement, authorizes the entry of a final judgment, and dismisses the Action with prejudice.