Military judge definition

Military judge means an official of general and special courts-martial detailed in accordance with section 28-3.1-210.
Military judge means an official of a general or special court-martial who is a commissioned officer, who has been duly certified to be qualified for duty as a military judge by the state judge advocate, and who has been properly detailed in accordance with section 5924.26 of the Revised Code.
Military judge means the presiding officer of a military commission detailed in accordance with 10 U.S.C. § 826 (Article 26). No person is eligible to act as military judge in a case of a military commission under the M.C.A. if he is the accuser or a witness or has acted as investigator or a counsel in the same case. A military judge detailed to a military commission under the M.C.A. may not consult with the members of the commission except in the presence of the accused (except as otherwise provided for in 10 U.S.C. § 949d), trial counsel, and defense counsel, nor may he vote with the members of the commission.

Examples of Military judge in a sentence

  • Article 26 — Military judge of a general or special court−martial.

  • Failure to meet this requirement does not divest a military court of jurisdiction.[C66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §29B.26; 82 Acts, ch 1042, §13]2015 Acts, ch 29, §5 29B.27 Military judge of a general court-martial.1. The authority convening a general court-martial shall detail a military judge to the court-martial.

  • Military judge of a military commission(a) DETAIL OF MILITARY JUDGE.—A military judge shall be detailed to each military commis- sion under this chapter.

  • The Secretary concerned may require that the order be reduced to writing.(3) Military judge from a different armed force.

  • Military judge is entitled to take judicial notice of a post regulation proscribing fraternization.

More Definitions of Military judge

Military judge means an official of a general or special court-
Military judge means the presiding officer of a general or special court-martial detailed in accordance with RCW 38.38.256.
Military judge means a judge advocate designated as a military judge by the state judge advocate general or an official of a general or special court-martial appointed pursuant to section 26.
Military judge means an official of a general or
Military judge means an official of a general or special court−martial detailed under s. 322.026.
Military judge means the presiding officer of a general or special court-martial detailed in accord- ance with Article 26. Except as otherwise expressly provided, in the context of a summary court-martial “military judge” includes the summary court-martial officer or in the context of a special court-martial without a military judge, the president. Unless other- wise indicated in the context, “the military judge” means the military judge detailed to the court-mar- tial to which charges in a case have been referred for trial.
Military judge means a judge advocate designated under Article 26(c) who is detailed under Article 26(a) or Article 30a to preside over a general or special court-martial or proceeding before referral. In the context of a summary court-martial, “military judge” means the summary court-martial officer. In the context of a pre-referral proceeding or a special court- martial consisting of a military judge alone, “military judge” includes a military magistrate designated under Article 19 or Article 30a.