Supervising attorney definition

Supervising attorney means an attorney who satisfies all of the following:
Supervising attorney means an attorney who is a member in good standing of the Bar of this State and whose service as a supervising attorney for the clinical program or externship is approved by the dean of the law school in which the law student is enrolled or by the dean’s designee.
Supervising attorney means (1) an individual who has committed to supervising a Provisional Licensee under Rules 2.4 – 2.5; or (2) an active member of the Oregon State Bar to whom the Supervising Attorney has delegated responsibility under Rule 5.4.

Examples of Supervising attorney in a sentence

  • Supervising attorney would require significant clarification, reorganization, and/or analysis.FINAL Evaluation Memo to PartnerReview FINAL memo in conjunction with initial memo and commentsIndividual WorkGoal – demonstration of adequate evaluative and writing skills for first year associateMacCrate 1,2,3,4,5,6,9Memo includes facts and law and is well- organized, coherent, and concise.

  • Supervising attorney would be confident that writer understood and appropriately analyzed issues.Incorporates feedback from initial memo and improves quality.Supervising attorney would feel comfortable signing and submitting document to court with only minor revisions.Complies with Local Rules and FRCP and would be accepted by Clerk of Court.Memo is generally well-organized, coherent, and concise.

  • Supervising attorney shall be responsible for reporting termination of employment of any Subscriber under their supervision.

  • Supervising attorney would be confident that writer understood and appropriately analyzed issues.Incorporates feedback from initial memo and improves quality.Memo includes facts and law and is generally well-organized, coherent, and concise.

  • Supervising attorney would require some additional clarification, reorganization, and/or analysis.Memo lacks clear organization, coherence or conciseness.

  • Supervising attorney Schwaeber also refused to provide the location of the client’s shelter by stating: “We are by statutory law, New York State statutory law, the federal statutory law, several of them, prohibited from revealing the address of our shelter.” Despite having been placed on notice that the attorney’s refusal was grounded in the law [Family Court Act §154-b(2)(b)], Judge Singer persisted in unlawfully demanding the disclosure of Ms. Schmidlin’s address.

  • Supervising attorney would be confident that writer understood and appropriately analyzed issues.Memo includes facts and law and is generally well-organized, coherent, and concise.

  • Supervising attorney would be confident that writer understood and appropriately analyzed issues.Complies with Local Rules and FRCP and would be accepted by Clerk of Court.Supervising attorney would feel comfortable signing and submitting document to court with only minor revisions.Memo is generally well-organized, coherent, and concise.

More Definitions of Supervising attorney

Supervising attorney means an individual who has been admitted to practice law before the courts of this State and is in good standing.
Supervising attorney means a person (or persons) who supervises the Qualified Candidate in accordance with and under section III of this Order and is either:
Supervising attorney means an attorney who is a member in good standing of the Bar of this State and whose service as a
Supervising attorney means (A) an attorney who is a
Supervising attorney means (A) an attorney who is a member in good standing of the Bar of this State and whose service as a supervising attorney for the clinical program or externship is approved by the dean of the law school in which the law student is enrolled or by the dean’s designee., or (B) an attorney who has been authorized to practice pursuant to Rule 19- 215 and who certifies in writing to the Clerk of the Court of Appeals that the attorney has read and is familiar with the Maryland Rules of [Civil Procedure, Criminal Causes, Evidence, and the Maryland Attorneys’ Rules of Professional Conduct,] as well as the Maryland law and Rules relating to any particular area of law in which the individual intends to practice.
Supervising attorney means an active member of the Oregon State Bar who has committed to supervising a Provisional Licensee working within the program established by these Rules.

Related to Supervising attorney

  • Supervising pharmacist means an Iowa-licensed pharmacist who is on duty in an Iowa-licensed pharmacy and who is responsible for assigning and supervising the duties performed by a pharmacy support person.

  • Direct visual supervision means the supervisory dentist

  • Direct supervision means oversight at a distance within which:

  • Attorney means, if appointed to represent a child under the provisions referenced in section 5213, an attorney serving as the child's legal advocate in the manner defined and described in section 13a of chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.13a.

  • Defendant/Person Under Supervision means any pretrial releasee, probationer, parolee, mandatory releasee, mandatory parolee, or supervised releasee receiving drug/alcohol testing and/or substance use assessment/treatment, mental health assessment/evaluation/treatment, and or sex offense specific evaluation/treatment/testing while under the supervision of the Federal Probation or Pretrial Services Office. Hereinafter, the term defendant applies to those on pretrial supervision, whereas person under supervision applies to those on post- conviction supervision.