Examples of Clinical program in a sentence
Clinical program examples include, but are not limited to, the following: rDUR- Gaps in CareThe rDUR — Gaps in Care program drives quality of care by closing Drug Product gaps for Members with select chronic diseases.
Termination means that the student may no longer enroll in coursework as a student in the Clinical program and cannot earn the PhD with a concentration in Clinical Psychology.
The plan must be signed by the advisor and student and dated.• A revised article must be submitted by the following September 1.• The same two-person committee will review by October 1 the resubmitted article following the procedures used in the first review.• Failure to obtain a passing grade on the revision will result in dismissal from the Clinical program.
TerminationA student may be terminated from the Clinical program when the faculty judge that the student is not making sufficient progress in the program and is not an appropriate candidate for a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology.
For some of these topics, the Clinical program requires that students take specific courses to meet the core requirements.