Examples of Supervising Member in a sentence
Instances where student behavior warrants suspension or expulsion from school, such student shall be afforded an opportunity for a hearing and due process in accordance with federal and state laws and adopted District policies.
Further, the collection of such specimens shall be witnessed by a representative of the Board, or another person acceptable to the Secretary and Supervising Member of the Board.
Such periods of absence shall not reduce the suspension/probationary term, unless otherwise determined by motion of the Board for absences of three months or longer, or by the Secretary or the Supervising Member of the Board for absences of less than three months, in instances where the Board can be assured that probationary monitoring is otherwise being performed.
Further, the Secretary and Supervising Member of the Board shall have discretion to waive part or all of the monitoring terms set forth in this Order for occasional periods of absence of 14 days or less.
Furthermore, the respondents agreed to divide the household roles of washing, cleaning the house, and taking care of the children when the women attended trainingsor worked either at home or outside the home.
The Supervising Member is requested to evaluate the DAHP for clinical knowledge and competence, professional judgment, technical skill, patient management and patient relationships, sense of responsibility, professionalism, cooperation with staff, and compliance with Policies.
Further, within 30 days of the date of each such notification, Dr. Ahsan shall provide documentation acceptable to the Secretary and Supervising Member of the Board demonstrating that the required notification has occurred.
In this event, the Owner may take over the work and compete it by contract or otherwise, and may take possession of and use any materials, appliances, and plant on the work site necessary for completing the work.
Further, within 30 days of the date of each such notification, Dr. Ma shall provide documentation acceptable to the Secretary and Supervising Member of the Board demonstrating that the required notification has occurred.
In approving an individual to serve in this capacity, the Secretary and Supervising Member will give preference to a physician who practices in the same locale as Dr. Entsuah and who is engaged in the same or similar practice specialty.