Examples of Presiding Member in a sentence
Members should fill in Disclosure of Interest forms for items in which they have a financial, proximity or impartiality interest and forward these to the Presiding Member before the meeting commences.
The Presiding Member announced the meeting would be run in accordance with the DAP Standing Orders 2020 under the Planning and Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011.
The three (3) minute time limit for each speaker may be extended by the President of the Board of Commissioners or the Presiding Member of the Board of Commissioners at the regular meeting of the District.
The Presiding Member advised that in accordance with Section 5.16 of the DAP Standing Orders 2020 which states 'A person must not use any electronic, visual or audio recording device or instrument to record the proceedings of the DAP meeting unless the Presiding Member has given permission to do so.', the meeting would not be recorded.
The three (3) minute time limit for each speaker may be enforced by the President of the Board of Commissioners or the Presiding Member of the Board of Commissioners at the regular meeting of the District.