Pervious surface definition

Pervious surface means an area that releases as runoff a small portion of the precipitation that falls on it. Lawns, gardens, parks, forests or other similar vegetated areas are examples of surfaces that typically are pervious.
Pervious surface means any surface material that allows stormwater to infiltrate into the ground. Examples include lawn, landscape, pasture, native vegetation areas, and permeable pavement.
Pervious surface means a ground surface that readily allows storm water to infiltrate or percolate into the soils.

Examples of Pervious surface in a sentence

  • Pervious surface to match existing adjacent to dog park along Jim Hatter Way.

  • Pervious surface materials, such as woodchips and clay or dirt playfields in City Parks shall not be included in impervious lot coverage calculations.

  • Pervious surface includes dirt and grass and allows water to infiltrate through the top surface.Below are the 2015, 2016, and 2017 service charges per 1,000 square feet of billable area: Stormwater Service Charge per 1,000 Square Feet of Billable AreaCategory/GroupingImpervious Percentage2015 In November 2016, the Port entered into an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the City which serves as the operating agreement.

  • Pervious surface was included in the calculation because after the first half-inch of rainfall, the pervious surface is saturated and stormwater flows over the saturated ground in the same manner as impervious surface.

  • Pervious surface runoff is produced by soils after they become saturated with water during long, intensive rainfall.

More Definitions of Pervious surface

Pervious surface means a surface that is not impervious. See also, “impervious
Pervious surface means a surface that is not impervious. See also, "impervious surface". "Phosphorus treatment facility" means a drainage control facility designed to reduce concentrations
Pervious surface means any land cover that permits rain or melting snow to soak into the ground.
Pervious surface means any material or surface that permits infiltration, percolation, or absorption of water into the ground through the material or surface.
Pervious surface means a layer through which water and air may freely migrate.
Pervious surface means a native vegetated surface converted to a nonnative pervious surface, including, but not limited to, pasture land, grassland, cultivated land, lawn, landscaping or bare soil or any alteration of existing nonnative pervious surface that results in increased surface and stormwater runoff as defined in the stormwater manuals.
Pervious surface means any land cover which permits precipitation to soak into the ground.