Examples of Surface water discharge in a sentence
Surface water discharge to the existing public sewer network must only be as a last resort therefore sufficient evidence should be provided i.e. witnessed by CYC infiltration tests to BRE Digest 365 to discount the use of SuD's.
Calculations of surface water flow rates will be required.Flow calculations: Surface water discharge rates are required for the proposed development.
Topographic contour lines must be shown as described in the plan type being prepared.● Land disturbing activity – Show proposed limits of land-disturbing activity.● Surface water discharge - Provide ground surface elevations for a reasonable "fan" around points of discharge extending at least 50 feet downstream of all point discharge outlets.
Surface water discharge of treated groundwater would meet the substantive requirements of Delaware’s regulations and would have no negative impact on surface water quality.
Surface water discharge to the existing public sewer network must only be as a last resort therefore sufficient evidence should be provided (i.e. witnessed by CYC infiltration tests to BRE Digest 365) to discount the use of SuD's.
Surface water discharge to the Oxney Drain shall be limited to 13.4 l/s.
Surface water discharge means any discernible, confined and discrete conveyance system, including but not limited to any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, swale, or storm sewer that will carry wastewater to surface water within the state of Wisconsin.
Surface water discharge from the development will use the existing watercourse on the western boundary.
Surface water discharge rates from the proposed surface water drainage network will be controlled by a vortex flow control device (Hydrobrake or equivalent) and associated above ground attenuation.
All the duties and standards within this job description will be performed according to the established policies, procedures and guidelines outlined in the parish policy and procedures manuals.