Surveyor-General definition

Surveyor-General means the Surveyor-General as defined in the Land Survey Act, 1997 (Act No. 8 of 1997);
Surveyor-General means the person for the time being holding or acting in the office of Surveyor General under section 173 of the Land Xxx 0000 8. [9. Omitted under the Reprints Xxx 0000 s. 7(4)(e).]
Surveyor-General means the Surveyor General of Canada Lands appointed in the manner authorized by law or a person authorized, by the Minister of the Government of Canada responsible for Canada Lands surveys, to carry out the duties of the Surveyor General.

Examples of Surveyor-General in a sentence

  • Under Section 24 of the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002, it is an offence to remove, damage, destroy, displace, obliterate or deface any survey mark unless authorised to do so by the Surveyor-General.

  • The Draft General Plan as finally determined and approved by the Surveyor-General shall be binding upon the parties, provided always that the area of the Property shall be within 5% (five percent) of the area stated in 1.5 above.

  • The Company agrees to pay any documentary, stamp or similar taxes payable in respect to this Agreement or any other Loan Document, including interest and penalties, in the event any such taxes are assessed irrespective of when such assessment is made and whether or not any credit is then in use or available hereunder.

  • Lodging of deeds, plans, diagrams and other documents with Surveyor-General and Registrar of Deeds 92.

  • The draft Sectional Plan of the scheme, or particular phases thereof, as the case may be, until such time as the Sectional Plans have been approved by the Surveyor-General, where after same shall be known as the Sectional Title Diagram.

More Definitions of Surveyor-General

Surveyor-General means a Surveyor-General appointed in terms of section 5 of the Land Survey Act, 1997 (Act 8 of 1997);
Surveyor-General means the Surveyor-General appointed in terms of section 2(1) or a person acting in that capacity by virtue of section 2(2);
Surveyor-General means the Surveyor-General as defined in the Land Survey Act, 1993 (Act No. 33 of 1993);
Surveyor-General means the Surveyor-General appointed in terms of section 2(1) of the Land Survey Act, or a person acting in that capacity by virtue of section 2(2) of that Act;
Surveyor-General means a Surveyor-General appointed in terms of section 4 of the Land Survey Act, 1927 (Act 9 of 1927);
Surveyor-General means the Surveyor-General as defined in section 49 of the Land Survey Act, 1927;
Surveyor-General means the person appointed as Surveyor General under section 3A of the Survey Co-ordination Act 1944.