System Sales definition

System Sales means the Gross Revenue of all Second Cup cafés including (i) the Gross Revenue of the company- owned Second Cup cafés in Canada owned by Second Cup; and (ii) the Gross Revenue reported by Second Cup cafés in the royalty pool which are subject to franchise agreements with Second Cup, without audit or other form of independent assurance.
System Sales means the results of all restaurants regardless of ownership, including Company-owned, franchise and unconsolidated affiliate restaurants, except for sales from non-Company-owned restaurants, for which we do not receive a sales-based royalty. “Restaurant margin” means restaurant profit (i.e., Company sales less expenses incurred directly by our Company-owned restaurants in generating revenues from Company-owned restaurants), divided by Company sales.
System Sales means sales including any combination of an ECU and at least an injector;

Examples of System Sales in a sentence

  • System Sales includes sales from both established restaurants as well as new restaurants.

  • Management believes System Sales provides meaningful information to investors regarding the size of Recipe’s restaurant network, the total market share of the Company’s brands sold in restaurant and grocery and the overall financial performance of its brands and restaurant owner base, which ultimately impacts Recipe’s consolidated financial performance.

  • Management believes System Sales provides meaningful information to investors regarding the size of Cara’s restaurant network, the total market share of the Company’s brands and the overall financial performance of its brands and restaurant owner base, which ultimately impacts Cara’s consolidated financial performance.

  • System Sales Growth is a non-IFRS measure – see “Non-IFRS Measures”.

  • The following is a summary of the scope of CDW's ISO certifications and areas of compliance across our organization to benefit all our customers: ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management System: Sales, configuration, and support of computer and related technology within both of CDW's Configuration Centers.

More Definitions of System Sales

System Sales for any period and for any A&W Outlets means the Gross Sales by such A&W Outlets for such period.
System Sales means the gross sales by A&W outlets. “Tax Act” means the Income Tax Act (Canada), as amended.
System Sales with respect to the Group, means sales generated by the Group’s system stores to external customers. It does not reflect actual revenue of the Group.
System Sales means "System Sales" is a non-IFRS supplementary financial measure representing the gross sales of all corporate Keg restaurants owned by KR in Canada and the United States, and the gross sales reported to KRL by franchise restaurants without independent audit or other form of independent assurance, in each case, after deducting discounts, coupons and other promotional offerings and excluding applicable sales tax, in any period. The total system sales of KRL are of interest to readers as it best reflects KRL’s overall sales performance.
System Sales for any period, means the aggregate of Gross Sales for each FW Restaurant in the Royalty Pool for such period.
System Sales means the gross sales of corporate Keg restaurants in Canada and the United States, and the amount of gross sales reported to KRL by franchised Keg restaurants in Canada and the United States, without audit or other form of independent assurance, in each case, after deducting discounts, coupons and other promotional offerings and excluding applicable sales taxes.
System Sales means the Gross Revenue of all Second Cup cafés in Canada, including (i) the Gross Revenue of the company-owned Second Cup cafés in Canada owned by Second Cup; and