Examples of System storage in a sentence
System storage and cameras are internet protocol (IP) compatible.
System storage ponds must be enclosed with a fence or otherwise designed with appropriate features to discourage entry of animals and unauthorized persons.
The consecutive system and the supplying system have entered into a written agreement that addresses the status and responsibilities of the parties for the ownership, operation and maintenance of the combined system, including but not limited to, drinking water sources, treatment facilities, Distribution System, storage and water quality sampling.
System storage is a particularly important component of the water balance where there is seasonal variability in reclaimed water demand and no other options are available for alternative generation or management of all or a portion of the reclaimed water (e.g., planned suspension of reclaimed water production, discharge of the reclaimed water through a VPDES permitted outfall, etc.).
The PAS icon refers to the IPEDS Peer Analysis System storage and analysis.
System storage or a limited wet weather discharge authorization shall be required for wet weather conditions.
It is also useful to characterize emissions according to commonly used economic sector categories: residential, commercial, industry, transportation, electric power, and agriculture.
However, the System storage on March 1st was 22.7 million acre feet (“MAF”) belowthe base of the annual flood control zone, and the upper three reservoirs were 31 to 34 feet below normal.
As of June 1, the total Regional Water System storage was 86% full.
System storage on March 1st was up from 2007, but still below the normal start of the runoff season, and the upper three reservoirs were 26 to 35 feet below normal levels.